Woman living alone
in a cold, wet flat
Mrs. Thriscott is 68 years old. She used to live alone on the top floor of an old house. Her flat was cold, wet and full of draughts(风); there was no hot water, and it was virtually impossible for her to keep warm. When she wanted to go out, she faced climbing up and down a hundred steps in all.
Then she applied to Help the Aged for a new flat. Since she moved into the new place which Help the Aged has provided, Mrs Thriscott is a changed woman. "My great thrill (兴奋), of course, is hot baths every day. I’ve never been cold since I’ve been here. My health is wonderful, perfect! People tell me I look years younger."
Help the Aged also helps provide day centers where old people find care and companion-ship.
Because of loans available to Help the Aged every £2 you give provides £40 of housing.
£150 donation (捐赠) manes (命名) a flat in memory of happy times
with someone dear to you.
£250 names a double flat. £450 names a common room.
Every day matters to old people in need. Tear out this advertisement and send with your gift as quickly as possible to:
Hon. Treasurer, Rt Hon. Lord Maybray-King
Help the Aged, Room Gl,
8 Denman Street, London W1A 2AP