第三部分 41 "I'm more interested in a different petitioner – Rob and I are back together." 42 With great effort, I said calmly, "How could you give me the axe over Rob? Look at me, an ingenious student, a tremendous intellectual, a man with an assured future. Look at Rob, a muscular idiot, a guy who'll never know where his next meal is coming from. Can you give me one good reason why you should be with him?" 43 "Wow, what presumption! I'll put it in a way someone as brilliant as you can understand," retorted Polly, her voice dripping with sarcasm . "Full disclosure – I like Rob in leather. I told him to say yes to you so he could have your jacket!" 请翻译: 一个聪明过人的学生,一个不同凡响的学者,一个前途无量的人。一个肌肉发达的蠢材,一个有了上顿没下顿的家伙。