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41)____________Many of the options have already been rehearsed in the press: excluding some treatments from the NHS, charging for certain drugs and services, and developing voluntary or compulsory health insurance schemes.
42)____________We spend about 7 per cent of GDP on health, compared with 9 per cent in the Netherlands and 10 per cent in France and Germany. In terms of health outcomes versus spend, we compare pretty favourably.
I don’ t see private health care providing much of the solution to current problems. 43)____________Neither is close to being implemented, but the future could see a deliberate shift of attention to voluntary health insurance and an emphasis on social insurance.
44)____________Even so, higher taxes will plainly be needed to fund health care. I think we’ll ually see larger NHS charges, more rationing of medical services and restrictions on certain procedures without proven outcomes. Stricter eligibility criteria for certain treatments are another possibility.
45)____________.None of them is going to win votes for the political party desperate enough to introduce them—but then nobody is going to vote for ill—health or an early death either.
[A] English National Health Service is a universal health keeping system. But Now, the shortage of money becomes a serious problem.
[B] All such options would mean a sharp break with tradition and political fall out that could be extremely damaging.
[C] The options provides solution to the shortage of money problem.
[D] I expect individuals to take greater responsibility for their personal health using technology that allows self diag-nosis followed by serf- treatment or home care.
[E] Looking at how far we’ 11 be able to fund the Health Service in the 21st century raises any number of thorny is-sues.
[F] More likely is a shift from universal health coverage to top up schemes which give people basic health entitlements but require them to finance other treatment through private financing, or opt out schemes which use tax relief to encourage individuals to make private provision.
[G] Compared to its European Union counterparts Britain. operates a low cost health system.


41)____________Many of the options have already been rehearsed in the press: excluding some treatments from the NHS, charging for certain drugs and services, and developing voluntary or compulsory health insurance schemes.
42)____________We spend about 7 per cent of GDP on health, compared with 9 per cent in the Netherlands and 10 per cent in France and Germany. In terms of health outcomes versus spend, we compare pretty favourably.
I don’ t see private health care providing much of the solution to current problems. 43)____________Neither is close to being implemented, but the future could see a deliberate shift of attention to voluntary health insurance and an emphasis on social insurance.
44)____________Even so, higher taxes will plainly be needed to fund health care. I think we’ll ually see larger NHS charges, more rationing of medical services and restrictions on certain procedures without proven outcomes. Stricter eligibility criteria for certain treatments are another possibility.
45)____________.None of them is going to win votes for the political party desperate enough to introduce them—but then nobody is going to vote for ill—health or an early death either.
[A] English National Health Service is a universal health keeping system. But Now, the shortage of money becomes a serious problem.
[B] All such options would mean a sharp break with tradition and political fall out that could be extremely damaging.
[C] The options provides solution to the shortage of money problem.
[D] I expect individuals to take greater responsibility for their personal health using technology that allows self diag-nosis followed by serf- treatment or home care.
[E] Looking at how far we’ 11 be able to fund the Health Service in the 21st century raises any number of thorny is-sues.
[F] More likely is a shift from universal health coverage to top up schemes which give people basic health entitlements but require them to finance other treatment through private financing, or opt out schemes which use tax relief to encourage individuals to make private provision.
[G] Compared to its European Union counterparts Britain. operates a low cost health system.

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【单选题】From the above-mentioned evidence, we can infer the woman () A.was not hypnotized completely B.was afraid of being hypnotized C.was a good hypnotic subject D.should have done better if she had coopera...

Hypnotism (催眠)is now entering an era of wider acceptance and use. An event which occurred recently in a state mental hospital proves this. A doctor examined a young woman in her late twenties. A few months earlier she had fallen from a chair. It looked like she had damaged her spine(脊柱), causing paralysis, but X-rays showed no damage to her back. Doctors did not feel that her fall had been serious. They felt that her paralysis was purely mental. At last the doctors reasoned that hypnotism might help her. A hypnotist was called, and soon he put her into a trance (睡眠状态). He told her she could walk across the room with a pair of canes near her bed. Although she was weak from her months in bed, she was able to get across the room. Then the hypnotist told her she could walk with the aid of two nurses. Again she did as he said. Within three weeks she was out of the hospital, her paralysis cured.

【单选题】Great Wall Express Type of Cuisines: Fast Food, Chinese Prices: $5 and under; no alcohol served; smoking; street parking and own parking lot.()

Great Wall Express serves fast food and Chinese food.
Customers can’t smoke and park their car.
Wine is offered at a rather cheap pric

【单选题】Generally hosts in the United States do not offer food more than once or twice because they () A.don’t expect you to be hungry B.expect you to say immediately what you really want C.expect you to refu...

Individuals in every culture have similar basic needs but express them differently. In daily life we all initiate (开始) conversation, use of formal and informal speech, give praise, express disagreement, seek information, and extend invitations. Some of the verbal patterns we use are influenced by our culture.
Whereas directness in speech is common in the United States, indirectness is the rule in parts of the Far East. Thus people from both of these parts of the world would probably express criticism of others differently. In parts of the Middle East a host is expected to offer food several times but in the United States he may make an offer only once or twice. The different modes of expression represent variations (变化)on the same theme. Each language reflects and creates cultural attitudes; each has a unique way of expressing human need.
【单选题】From the above-mentioned evidence, we can infer the woman () A.was not hypnotized completely B.was afraid of being hypnotized C.was a good hypnotic subject D.should have done better if she had coopera...
Hypnotism (催眠)is now entering an era of wider acceptance and use. An event which occurred recently in a state mental hospital proves this. A doctor examined a young woman in her late twenties. A few months earlier she had fallen from a chair. It looked like she had damaged her spine(脊柱), causing paralysis, but X-rays showed no damage to her back. Doctors did not feel that her fall had been serious. They felt that her paralysis was purely mental. At last the doctors reasoned that hypnotism might help her. A hypnotist was called, and soon he put her into a trance (睡眠状态). He told her she could walk across the room with a pair of canes near her bed. Although she was weak from her months in bed, she was able to get across the room. Then the hypnotist told her she could walk with the aid of two nurses. Again she did as he said. Within three weeks she was out of the hospital, her paralysis cured.
【单选题】Great Wall Express Type of Cuisines: Fast Food, Chinese Prices: $5 and under; no alcohol served; smoking; street parking and own parking lot.()
Great Wall Express serves fast food and Chinese food.
Customers can’t smoke and park their car.
Wine is offered at a rather cheap pric
【单选题】Generally hosts in the United States do not offer food more than once or twice because they () A.don’t expect you to be hungry B.expect you to say immediately what you really want C.expect you to refu...
Individuals in every culture have similar basic needs but express them differently. In daily life we all initiate (开始) conversation, use of formal and informal speech, give praise, express disagreement, seek information, and extend invitations. Some of the verbal patterns we use are influenced by our culture.
Whereas directness in speech is common in the United States, indirectness is the rule in parts of the Far East. Thus people from both of these parts of the world would probably express criticism of others differently. In parts of the Middle East a host is expected to offer food several times but in the United States he may make an offer only once or twice. The different modes of expression represent variations (变化)on the same theme. Each language reflects and creates cultural attitudes; each has a unique way of expressing human need.
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