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A company needs staff not only who have the right qualifications and experience, but also who are happy to fit in with the company’s way of doing things. Our managers have to accept the idea that everyone working here is a colleague and that spending time actually in the store with colleagues and customers, rather than in their office, is part of the job. For management post, we organize pre-interview group exercises to measure team-working and leadership skills, sometimes along with activities to assess personal qualities.
In all our interviews we pay attention to body language. And like all employers, we want to take on staff who are at ease with colleagues and customers so it is important to watch the way candidates behave, as well as listen to what they have to say.
Staff needed: both have the right (46) and fit in with (47) of doing things.
Expectation from the managers: the employees spend time in the store with (48) .
Pre-interview group exercises: designed to measure team-working and (49) of candidates.
The interviewers will pay attention to (50) in all their interviews.


A company needs staff not only who have the right qualifications and experience, but also who are happy to fit in with the company’s way of doing things. Our managers have to accept the idea that everyone working here is a colleague and that spending time actually in the store with colleagues and customers, rather than in their office, is part of the job. For management post, we organize pre-interview group exercises to measure team-working and leadership skills, sometimes along with activities to assess personal qualities.
In all our interviews we pay attention to body language. And like all employers, we want to take on staff who are at ease with colleagues and customers so it is important to watch the way candidates behave, as well as listen to what they have to say.
Staff needed: both have the right (46) and fit in with (47) of doing things.
Expectation from the managers: the employees spend time in the store with (48) .
Pre-interview group exercises: designed to measure team-working and (49) of candidates.
The interviewers will pay attention to (50) in all their interviews.

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【单选题】The author implies that before the fifth century B C, () A.the climate was much milder in the coastal areas of Greece B.the Greeks were very careful to replant their forests after they cut them C.the ...

Many of the problems we face today are not so new as we think they are. And some of our modern solutions are not so new, either. The problem of energy shortages and the solution of using solar energy go back at least to early Greek cultures. The climate in the coastal areas of Greece 2,500 years ago was characterized by cool winters, much as it is today. At that time, the Greeks heated their homes with small, charcoal-burning heaters. In other words, wood (which is used to make charcoal) was their primary source of energy. However, by the fifth century B C fuel shortages had become common be- cause, in many parts of Greece, the firewood in the forests had been depleted. Once the supply of fire- wood from the local forests ran out, people began to use the wood from olive groves as fuel. But this solution had its own problem. It reduced the olive crop, a valuable resource to the Greeks. By the fourth century B C, the city of Athens banned the use of olive wood for fuel. Wood had to be imported from farther and farther away, making it more difficult to obtain and more expensive to use. About this time the Greeks began to build their houses facing south, so that the low sun in winter could penetrate and help heat the interiors. Excavations of ancient Greek cities suggest that large areas were planned so that individual homes could take maximum advantage of passive solar energy.



【单选题】According to the writer, telecommuting refers to the way() A.people do all their work by telephone B.employees wear nightclothes while working C.people do their work outside companies D.employees comm...

Working at home in your nightclothes while saving hundreds of dollars may sound too good to be true, but it isn’t. More and more employees are telecommuting, doing their job at home or another remote site.
"It’s a trend that’s here now and you’re going to see a lot more telecommuting because people don’t have to put up with commuting (来回上下班). They want more work/life balance, they want less stress in their lives and companies want to drive costs after their bottom lines," says John Edwards, President of the International Telework Association and Council.
However, Edwards says, "The biggest problem at the moment is dealing with middle management who is uncomfortable with management style focusing on results. They are used to the line of sight management style. But they have to change to more results-oriented management style which can often be slightly opposite, so they feel uncomfortable with that."
Edwards says telecommuting kills distance--and a lot of face to face meetings are replaced by tele-conferences. "Distance does not exist anymore. It’s the death of distance, if you like. So now it’s possible to have more invisible teams so that the necessity to have the old bricks and walls existing is beginning to disappear.\
【单选题】The author implies that before the fifth century B C, () A.the climate was much milder in the coastal areas of Greece B.the Greeks were very careful to replant their forests after they cut them C.the ...
Many of the problems we face today are not so new as we think they are. And some of our modern solutions are not so new, either. The problem of energy shortages and the solution of using solar energy go back at least to early Greek cultures. The climate in the coastal areas of Greece 2,500 years ago was characterized by cool winters, much as it is today. At that time, the Greeks heated their homes with small, charcoal-burning heaters. In other words, wood (which is used to make charcoal) was their primary source of energy. However, by the fifth century B C fuel shortages had become common be- cause, in many parts of Greece, the firewood in the forests had been depleted. Once the supply of fire- wood from the local forests ran out, people began to use the wood from olive groves as fuel. But this solution had its own problem. It reduced the olive crop, a valuable resource to the Greeks. By the fourth century B C, the city of Athens banned the use of olive wood for fuel. Wood had to be imported from farther and farther away, making it more difficult to obtain and more expensive to use. About this time the Greeks began to build their houses facing south, so that the low sun in winter could penetrate and help heat the interiors. Excavations of ancient Greek cities suggest that large areas were planned so that individual homes could take maximum advantage of passive solar energy.
【单选题】According to the writer, telecommuting refers to the way() A.people do all their work by telephone B.employees wear nightclothes while working C.people do their work outside companies D.employees comm...
Working at home in your nightclothes while saving hundreds of dollars may sound too good to be true, but it isn’t. More and more employees are telecommuting, doing their job at home or another remote site.
"It’s a trend that’s here now and you’re going to see a lot more telecommuting because people don’t have to put up with commuting (来回上下班). They want more work/life balance, they want less stress in their lives and companies want to drive costs after their bottom lines," says John Edwards, President of the International Telework Association and Council.
However, Edwards says, "The biggest problem at the moment is dealing with middle management who is uncomfortable with management style focusing on results. They are used to the line of sight management style. But they have to change to more results-oriented management style which can often be slightly opposite, so they feel uncomfortable with that."
Edwards says telecommuting kills distance--and a lot of face to face meetings are replaced by tele-conferences. "Distance does not exist anymore. It’s the death of distance, if you like. So now it’s possible to have more invisible teams so that the necessity to have the old bricks and walls existing is beginning to disappear.\
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