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"WHAT’S the difference between God and Larry Ellison" asks an old software industry joke. Answer: God doesn’t think he’s Larry Ellison. The boss of Oracle is hardly alone among corporate chiefs in having a reputation for being rather keen on himself. Indeed’, until the bubble burst and the public turned nasty at the start of the decade, the cult of the celebrity chief executive seemed to demand bossly narcissism, as evidence that a firm was being led by an all-conquering hero.
Narcissus met a nasty end, of course. And in recent years, boss-worship has come to be seen as bad for business. In his management bestseller, "Good to Great", Jim Collins argued that the truly successful bosses were not the serf-proclaimed stars who adorn the covers of Forbes and Fortune, but instead self-effacing, thoughtful, monkish sorts who lead by inspiring example.
A statistical answer may be at hand. For the first time, a new study, "It’s All About Me", to be presented next week at the annual gathering of the American Academy of Management, offers a systematic, empirical ysis of what effect narcissistic bosses have on the firms they run. The authors, Arijit Chatterjee and Donald Hambrick, of Pennsylvania State University, examined narcissism in the upper levels of 105 firms in the computer and software industries.
To do this, they bad to solve a practical problem: studies of narcissism have hitherto relied on surveying individuals personally, something for which few chief executives are likely to have time or inclination. So the authors devised an index of narcissism using six publicly available indicators obtainable without the co-operation of the boss. These are: the prominence of the boss’s photo in the annual report; his prominence in company press releases; the length of his "Who’s Who" entry; the frequency of his use of the first person singular in interviews; and the ratios of his cash and non-cash compensation to those of the firm’s second-highest paid executive.
Narcissism naturally drives people to seek positions of power and influence, and because great self-esteem helps your professional advance, say the authors, chief executives will tend on average to be more narcissistic than the general population. How does that affect a firm Messrs Chatterjee and Hambrick found that highly narcissistic bosses tended to make bigger changes in the use of important resources, such as research and development, or in spending and leverage; they carried out more and bigger mergers and acquisitions; and their results were both more extreme (more big wins or big losses) and more transient than those of firms run by their humbler peers. For shareholders, that could be good or bad.
Although (oddly) the authors are keeping their narcissism ranking secret, they have revealed that Mr Ellison did not come top. Alas for him, that may be because the study limited itseff to people who became the boss after 1991--well after he took the helm. In every respect Mr Ellison seems to be the classic narcissistic boss, claims Mr Chatterjee. There is life in the old joke yet.
According to the researchers, compared with humbler managers, narcissistic bosses are more likely to

have faster professional advances.
draw attention from the general population.
dramatize the changes in their companies.
use resources of the company in extreme ways.
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【单选题】10() A.Unlike B.Like C.As D.With

A manager hoping to blossom as a business leader must develop the skill to communicate effectively. One of the foremost tasks of a leader is to create (1) to a cause. To do that he must first communicate to build mutual understanding.
(2) a manager communicates mostly to (3) information, a leader uses communications to build relationships. A manager overwhelms others with details and still (4) them cold. A leader (5) their hearts by combining his vision with their (6) in a common cause.
Most Asian business leaders are instinctively (7) relationship building (8) direct communications. But they don’t use the mass media so well. While face to face communications is (9) , it’s not enough in today’s big business.
(10) their western (11) , they are not so much frightened by mass media’s potential to magnify, distort, and expose. The problem lies more in the (12) of professional support (13) to them. In most Asian companies the public affairs function either does not exist or is (14) routine chores removed from helping the CEO to communicate with wide audiences. The reason primarily that the (15) communications officers are placed quite low in the organizational hierarchy.
Asia’s need for business leaders who are (16) in using mass media to involve the public (17) the economic development dream has never been greater. Television and the print media have an enormous (18) on the public perception of business. Our business leaders have not yet laced an unsympathetic press. They should start now (19) the day may not be too far away (20) they are suddenly forced to enter the perilous arena of public communications.

【单选题】55() A.obscure B.ambiguous C.distinct D.obvious

International Trade
Since the end of World War II, international trade has developed dramatically. All countries in the modern world join in worldwide trade, through which various sorts of merchandise and (51) materials arc exported in (52) for foreign currency, which means income wealth from (53) and job opportunity at home, and in the meantime, foreign goods are imported to provide consumers with (54) and welcome merchandise. Today, economic interdependence among countries is so (55) that no country can close its doors to the outside world, and the more prosperous the national economy, the more developed the foreign trade. Economic globalization is now a (56) in the world.
But in the past when old and new colonialism ruled the world there was no free and fair trade at all. Powers, (57) the British empire, the United States, Russia, Japan, divided the world into their spheres of influence—their colonies or dependencies, where their businessmen (58) their merchandise at high prices and bought (59) raw materials and labor at low prices. (60) of wealth flowed to these powers which then grew prosperous, (61) the colonies were driven into destitution (贫困). The national economy of colonies was innately defective. Their industries could not survive the overwhelming (62) of imports from the powers. Their monotonous national economy (63) in production of one or two agricultural crops or (64) products or minerals, to be sold in international market, for example, orange and sugarcane in Cuba, banana and coffee in South-America, coal in Poland, all (65) to supply-demand relation in world market under control of the powers. Even their customs were governed by officials from the powers, whose exported goods thus could enter the colonies nearly duty-free. It was after the collapse of colonialist system all over the world that free and fair international trade, at least theoretically, could be possible.

【单选题】"WHAT’S the difference between God and Larry Ellison" asks an old software industry joke. Answer: God doesn’t think he’s Larry Ellison. The boss of Oracle is hardly alone among corporate chiefs in hav...

show the difference between God and Larry Ellison.
emphasize the success of the boss of Oracle.
illustrate how chief executives manage their companies.
introduce the topic of narcissism on top managerial level.
【单选题】10() A.Unlike B.Like C.As D.With
A manager hoping to blossom as a business leader must develop the skill to communicate effectively. One of the foremost tasks of a leader is to create (1) to a cause. To do that he must first communicate to build mutual understanding.
(2) a manager communicates mostly to (3) information, a leader uses communications to build relationships. A manager overwhelms others with details and still (4) them cold. A leader (5) their hearts by combining his vision with their (6) in a common cause.
Most Asian business leaders are instinctively (7) relationship building (8) direct communications. But they don’t use the mass media so well. While face to face communications is (9) , it’s not enough in today’s big business.
(10) their western (11) , they are not so much frightened by mass media’s potential to magnify, distort, and expose. The problem lies more in the (12) of professional support (13) to them. In most Asian companies the public affairs function either does not exist or is (14) routine chores removed from helping the CEO to communicate with wide audiences. The reason primarily that the (15) communications officers are placed quite low in the organizational hierarchy.
Asia’s need for business leaders who are (16) in using mass media to involve the public (17) the economic development dream has never been greater. Television and the print media have an enormous (18) on the public perception of business. Our business leaders have not yet laced an unsympathetic press. They should start now (19) the day may not be too far away (20) they are suddenly forced to enter the perilous arena of public communications.
【单选题】55() A.obscure B.ambiguous C.distinct D.obvious
International Trade
Since the end of World War II, international trade has developed dramatically. All countries in the modern world join in worldwide trade, through which various sorts of merchandise and (51) materials arc exported in (52) for foreign currency, which means income wealth from (53) and job opportunity at home, and in the meantime, foreign goods are imported to provide consumers with (54) and welcome merchandise. Today, economic interdependence among countries is so (55) that no country can close its doors to the outside world, and the more prosperous the national economy, the more developed the foreign trade. Economic globalization is now a (56) in the world.
But in the past when old and new colonialism ruled the world there was no free and fair trade at all. Powers, (57) the British empire, the United States, Russia, Japan, divided the world into their spheres of influence—their colonies or dependencies, where their businessmen (58) their merchandise at high prices and bought (59) raw materials and labor at low prices. (60) of wealth flowed to these powers which then grew prosperous, (61) the colonies were driven into destitution (贫困). The national economy of colonies was innately defective. Their industries could not survive the overwhelming (62) of imports from the powers. Their monotonous national economy (63) in production of one or two agricultural crops or (64) products or minerals, to be sold in international market, for example, orange and sugarcane in Cuba, banana and coffee in South-America, coal in Poland, all (65) to supply-demand relation in world market under control of the powers. Even their customs were governed by officials from the powers, whose exported goods thus could enter the colonies nearly duty-free. It was after the collapse of colonialist system all over the world that free and fair international trade, at least theoretically, could be possible.
【单选题】"WHAT’S the difference between God and Larry Ellison" asks an old software industry joke. Answer: God doesn’t think he’s Larry Ellison. The boss of Oracle is hardly alone among corporate chiefs in hav...
show the difference between God and Larry Ellison.
emphasize the success of the boss of Oracle.
illustrate how chief executives manage their companies.
introduce the topic of narcissism on top managerial level.
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