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What did the lady suggest if the waitress wanted to pay her back ?()

A.Trying to help others.
B.Working harder in the future.
C.Keeping smiling all the time.
D.Giving money to those in need.

He saw the old lady and her car on the side of the road. He could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her car and got out.
Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. He didn’t look safe. He looked poor and hungry.
He said, "I’m here to help you, ma’am. My name is Bryan Anderson. "
All she had was a flat tire (瘪胎), but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Bryan changed the tire and she couldn’t thank him enough for the help. Then, the lady asked how much she owed him. She had already imagined all the terrible things that could have happened. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the help they needed.
A few miles down the road, the lady saw a small cafe She went in. The waitress came over with a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn’t erase. She noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant (怀孕) , but she never let her aches be noticed. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then, she remembered Bryan.
After her meal, the lady paid with a one hundred dollar bill. The waitress quickly went to get change, but when she came back, she noticed something written on the napkin (餐巾纸) with the words saying: "You don’t owe me anything. Somebody once helped me out, the way I’m helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do : Do not let this chain of love end with you. "
Under the napkin were four more $100 bills.
That night when the waitress got home, she was thinking about what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed the money with the baby due next month As she lay sleeping next to her husband, she whispered soft and low, "Everything’s going to be all right. I love you, Bryan Anderson. \
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【单选题】(37)处应填()。 A.player B.person C.winner D.enemy

I’m told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋), many beautiful moves could bc made on a chessboard. In a decisive (36) in which he was evenly matched with a Russian master (37) , Marshall found his queen under serious attack. There were several ways of (38) , and since the queen is the most (39) piece, spectators (观众) thought Marshall would naturally move his queen to (40) .
Deep in thought, Marshall used all his time to consider the (41) . He picked up his queen, paused, and placed it down on the most (42) square of all--a square from which the queen could be (43) by any one of three enemy pieces.
Marshall had sacrificed (牺牲) his queen--an unthinkable move. Everyone else was (44) .
Then the Russian, and the (45) , realized that Marshall had actually made a (46) move. It was clear that no matter how the (47) was taken, the Russian would soon be in a (48) position. Seeing this, the Russian admitted his defeat.
When spectators recovered from the (49) of Marshall’s dating, they showered the chessboard with money. Marshall had achieved (50) in a very unusual and dating fashion--he had (51) by sacrificing the queen.
To me, it’s not (52) that he won. What counts is that Marshall had broken with standard (53) to make such a move. He had looked (54) the usual patterns of play and had been willing to consider an imaginative risk on the basis of his judgment and his judgment alone. No matter how the game (55) , Marshall was the winner.

【单选题】8() A.showed up B.turned back C.moved on D.ran away

It is always a little sad to say goodbye to a long-time friend you are leaving forever, a (1) you have spent many hours with, in all sorts of (2) . David didn’t think I should be so (3) about the separation. "It’s (4) a car," he said. "And we need a (5) one. "
We were standing in the hot car park outside a car dealer’s office, keys to the new (6) in David’s hand, keys to the old one in mine. David took the keys and handed them to the (7) As we drove away, I (8) to look at my trusty friend, standing silent and alone.
As it turned out, I (9) the new car. It ran beautifully, all the tires were good, (10) I happily stopped buying gas every week. Our teenage children were (11) to ride around in a small green car (12) a smoky van (小型客货车). It began to feel like our family’s car.
Still, I (13) looking in the rear-view mirror (后视镜) and seeing the seats (14) I used to put my little children. I still thought about the family (15) in that car and the fun we had together.
Then one day, I happened to go to a (16) . I parked in a sea of vehicles (车辆). As I (17) through the car park on my way into the store, I saw a (18) blue van coming slowly toward me. A little boy and a girl looked out the window at me as I stared at them in great (19) . The boy smiled at me cheerfully and waved. Then, as I waved back slowly with (20) feelings, and then walked quickly away toward the store’s entrance, I burst into tears.

【单选题】() will not appear in traditional Korean clothes for women. A.Hanbok B.Jeogori C.Chima D.Paji

When mentioning Korea, people might come up with a string of things, such as kimchi (泡菜), cosmetics and beautiful girls. In fact, Korea is also famous for hand-made clothes. In Korea, you can get a suit that is well made to your measure within a couple of days but be careful about the size because Korean sizes are often a little small, especially to westerners. Even a "large" size T-shirt bought in Korea can be too small for an American! Korean clothes are made of various kinds of silk and other materials. You can also buy hand-made traditional clothes in Korea.
Those traditional Korean clothes have quite a long history which can be found in ancient wall paintings or on tombs. "Hanbok" (韩服) can be the best representative of Korean culture. Today hanbok is still worn during formal occasions. Hanbok consists of two parts. "Jeogori" (赤古里), the top part, is blouse-like and has long sleeves. For the bottom part, women wear "Chima" (高腰背心裙), a kind of skirt, and men wear "Paji" (巴基) , bag-like trousers.
White is the color for common people while during festivals or on special days, upper classes will wear clothes in bright colors to indicate their social status. Accessories like jewelry and headdresses complete traditional Korean clothes. Traditional Korean clothes favor soft flowing lines to hide the body’s shape representing the pursuit for beauty and elegance of Korean people. The designs of various forms of Hanbok represent the rich culture of Korea.

【单选题】(49)处应填()。 A.cause B.blow C.accident D.shock

I’m told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋), many beautiful moves could bc made on a chessboard. In a decisive (36) in which he was evenly matched with a Russian master (37) , Marshall found his queen under serious attack. There were several ways of (38) , and since the queen is the most (39) piece, spectators (观众) thought Marshall would naturally move his queen to (40) .
Deep in thought, Marshall used all his time to consider the (41) . He picked up his queen, paused, and placed it down on the most (42) square of all--a square from which the queen could be (43) by any one of three enemy pieces.
Marshall had sacrificed (牺牲) his queen--an unthinkable move. Everyone else was (44) .
Then the Russian, and the (45) , realized that Marshall had actually made a (46) move. It was clear that no matter how the (47) was taken, the Russian would soon be in a (48) position. Seeing this, the Russian admitted his defeat.
When spectators recovered from the (49) of Marshall’s dating, they showered the chessboard with money. Marshall had achieved (50) in a very unusual and dating fashion--he had (51) by sacrificing the queen.
To me, it’s not (52) that he won. What counts is that Marshall had broken with standard (53) to make such a move. He had looked (54) the usual patterns of play and had been willing to consider an imaginative risk on the basis of his judgment and his judgment alone. No matter how the game (55) , Marshall was the winner.

【单选题】(47)处应填()。 A.game B.money C.queen D.chessboard

I’m told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋), many beautiful moves could bc made on a chessboard. In a decisive (36) in which he was evenly matched with a Russian master (37) , Marshall found his queen under serious attack. There were several ways of (38) , and since the queen is the most (39) piece, spectators (观众) thought Marshall would naturally move his queen to (40) .
Deep in thought, Marshall used all his time to consider the (41) . He picked up his queen, paused, and placed it down on the most (42) square of all--a square from which the queen could be (43) by any one of three enemy pieces.
Marshall had sacrificed (牺牲) his queen--an unthinkable move. Everyone else was (44) .
Then the Russian, and the (45) , realized that Marshall had actually made a (46) move. It was clear that no matter how the (47) was taken, the Russian would soon be in a (48) position. Seeing this, the Russian admitted his defeat.
When spectators recovered from the (49) of Marshall’s dating, they showered the chessboard with money. Marshall had achieved (50) in a very unusual and dating fashion--he had (51) by sacrificing the queen.
To me, it’s not (52) that he won. What counts is that Marshall had broken with standard (53) to make such a move. He had looked (54) the usual patterns of play and had been willing to consider an imaginative risk on the basis of his judgment and his judgment alone. No matter how the game (55) , Marshall was the winner.

【单选题】What economic situation is best expressed as "basket case" ( Paragraph 4) ?() A.Very bad. B.Promising. C.Unexpected. D.Naturally developed.

Do you remember the Millennium (千禧年) Goals When world leaders celebrated the year 2000 with a serious promise to reduce poverty (贫穷) and hunger, check the spread of AIDS, get boys and girls into school, and improve public health, all by 2015
Well, three years down the road, and the UNDP’s yearly collection of facts and figures already shows that if we carry on as we are, the only goal likely to be met is that for reducing poverty by a half, and that is entirely due to the success of one country--China. It is so vast that the fast-growing economy in China lifts millions of people above the poverty line, even though in Africa, Latin America and the former Soviet Union, people have actually been getting poorer.
Otherwise, progress is good only in parts. East Asia should meet its goal of reducing hunger by a half by 2015, and Latin America and the Caribbean are not far behind, but at the present speed of progress, Africa and South Asia won’t get there for another hundred years.
The good news is that it can be done--there are success stories. Ghana--an economic basket case in the eighties and early nineties--has managed to find a way out of its difficulties and it’s now comfortably in the middle range of countries, way ahead of the much more naturally wealthy Nigeria. For Congo, Cambodia or Iraq, ruined by war, or every southern African country damaged by AIDS, there is a Mauritius or a South Korea steadily working its way up the league table towards a better life for its people.

【单选题】(41)处应填()。 A.condition B.change C.piece D.action

I’m told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋), many beautiful moves could bc made on a chessboard. In a decisive (36) in which he was evenly matched with a Russian master (37) , Marshall found his queen under serious attack. There were several ways of (38) , and since the queen is the most (39) piece, spectators (观众) thought Marshall would naturally move his queen to (40) .
Deep in thought, Marshall used all his time to consider the (41) . He picked up his queen, paused, and placed it down on the most (42) square of all--a square from which the queen could be (43) by any one of three enemy pieces.
Marshall had sacrificed (牺牲) his queen--an unthinkable move. Everyone else was (44) .
Then the Russian, and the (45) , realized that Marshall had actually made a (46) move. It was clear that no matter how the (47) was taken, the Russian would soon be in a (48) position. Seeing this, the Russian admitted his defeat.
When spectators recovered from the (49) of Marshall’s dating, they showered the chessboard with money. Marshall had achieved (50) in a very unusual and dating fashion--he had (51) by sacrificing the queen.
To me, it’s not (52) that he won. What counts is that Marshall had broken with standard (53) to make such a move. He had looked (54) the usual patterns of play and had been willing to consider an imaginative risk on the basis of his judgment and his judgment alone. No matter how the game (55) , Marshall was the winner.

【单选题】(50)处应填()。 A.prize B.victory C.progress D.attention

I’m told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋), many beautiful moves could bc made on a chessboard. In a decisive (36) in which he was evenly matched with a Russian master (37) , Marshall found his queen under serious attack. There were several ways of (38) , and since the queen is the most (39) piece, spectators (观众) thought Marshall would naturally move his queen to (40) .
Deep in thought, Marshall used all his time to consider the (41) . He picked up his queen, paused, and placed it down on the most (42) square of all--a square from which the queen could be (43) by any one of three enemy pieces.
Marshall had sacrificed (牺牲) his queen--an unthinkable move. Everyone else was (44) .
Then the Russian, and the (45) , realized that Marshall had actually made a (46) move. It was clear that no matter how the (47) was taken, the Russian would soon be in a (48) position. Seeing this, the Russian admitted his defeat.
When spectators recovered from the (49) of Marshall’s dating, they showered the chessboard with money. Marshall had achieved (50) in a very unusual and dating fashion--he had (51) by sacrificing the queen.
To me, it’s not (52) that he won. What counts is that Marshall had broken with standard (53) to make such a move. He had looked (54) the usual patterns of play and had been willing to consider an imaginative risk on the basis of his judgment and his judgment alone. No matter how the game (55) , Marshall was the winner.
【单选题】(37)处应填()。 A.player B.person C.winner D.enemy
I’m told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋), many beautiful moves could bc made on a chessboard. In a decisive (36) in which he was evenly matched with a Russian master (37) , Marshall found his queen under serious attack. There were several ways of (38) , and since the queen is the most (39) piece, spectators (观众) thought Marshall would naturally move his queen to (40) .
Deep in thought, Marshall used all his time to consider the (41) . He picked up his queen, paused, and placed it down on the most (42) square of all--a square from which the queen could be (43) by any one of three enemy pieces.
Marshall had sacrificed (牺牲) his queen--an unthinkable move. Everyone else was (44) .
Then the Russian, and the (45) , realized that Marshall had actually made a (46) move. It was clear that no matter how the (47) was taken, the Russian would soon be in a (48) position. Seeing this, the Russian admitted his defeat.
When spectators recovered from the (49) of Marshall’s dating, they showered the chessboard with money. Marshall had achieved (50) in a very unusual and dating fashion--he had (51) by sacrificing the queen.
To me, it’s not (52) that he won. What counts is that Marshall had broken with standard (53) to make such a move. He had looked (54) the usual patterns of play and had been willing to consider an imaginative risk on the basis of his judgment and his judgment alone. No matter how the game (55) , Marshall was the winner.
【单选题】8() A.showed up B.turned back C.moved on D.ran away
It is always a little sad to say goodbye to a long-time friend you are leaving forever, a (1) you have spent many hours with, in all sorts of (2) . David didn’t think I should be so (3) about the separation. "It’s (4) a car," he said. "And we need a (5) one. "
We were standing in the hot car park outside a car dealer’s office, keys to the new (6) in David’s hand, keys to the old one in mine. David took the keys and handed them to the (7) As we drove away, I (8) to look at my trusty friend, standing silent and alone.
As it turned out, I (9) the new car. It ran beautifully, all the tires were good, (10) I happily stopped buying gas every week. Our teenage children were (11) to ride around in a small green car (12) a smoky van (小型客货车). It began to feel like our family’s car.
Still, I (13) looking in the rear-view mirror (后视镜) and seeing the seats (14) I used to put my little children. I still thought about the family (15) in that car and the fun we had together.
Then one day, I happened to go to a (16) . I parked in a sea of vehicles (车辆). As I (17) through the car park on my way into the store, I saw a (18) blue van coming slowly toward me. A little boy and a girl looked out the window at me as I stared at them in great (19) . The boy smiled at me cheerfully and waved. Then, as I waved back slowly with (20) feelings, and then walked quickly away toward the store’s entrance, I burst into tears.
【单选题】() will not appear in traditional Korean clothes for women. A.Hanbok B.Jeogori C.Chima D.Paji
When mentioning Korea, people might come up with a string of things, such as kimchi (泡菜), cosmetics and beautiful girls. In fact, Korea is also famous for hand-made clothes. In Korea, you can get a suit that is well made to your measure within a couple of days but be careful about the size because Korean sizes are often a little small, especially to westerners. Even a "large" size T-shirt bought in Korea can be too small for an American! Korean clothes are made of various kinds of silk and other materials. You can also buy hand-made traditional clothes in Korea.
Those traditional Korean clothes have quite a long history which can be found in ancient wall paintings or on tombs. "Hanbok" (韩服) can be the best representative of Korean culture. Today hanbok is still worn during formal occasions. Hanbok consists of two parts. "Jeogori" (赤古里), the top part, is blouse-like and has long sleeves. For the bottom part, women wear "Chima" (高腰背心裙), a kind of skirt, and men wear "Paji" (巴基) , bag-like trousers.
White is the color for common people while during festivals or on special days, upper classes will wear clothes in bright colors to indicate their social status. Accessories like jewelry and headdresses complete traditional Korean clothes. Traditional Korean clothes favor soft flowing lines to hide the body’s shape representing the pursuit for beauty and elegance of Korean people. The designs of various forms of Hanbok represent the rich culture of Korea.
【单选题】(49)处应填()。 A.cause B.blow C.accident D.shock
I’m told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋), many beautiful moves could bc made on a chessboard. In a decisive (36) in which he was evenly matched with a Russian master (37) , Marshall found his queen under serious attack. There were several ways of (38) , and since the queen is the most (39) piece, spectators (观众) thought Marshall would naturally move his queen to (40) .
Deep in thought, Marshall used all his time to consider the (41) . He picked up his queen, paused, and placed it down on the most (42) square of all--a square from which the queen could be (43) by any one of three enemy pieces.
Marshall had sacrificed (牺牲) his queen--an unthinkable move. Everyone else was (44) .
Then the Russian, and the (45) , realized that Marshall had actually made a (46) move. It was clear that no matter how the (47) was taken, the Russian would soon be in a (48) position. Seeing this, the Russian admitted his defeat.
When spectators recovered from the (49) of Marshall’s dating, they showered the chessboard with money. Marshall had achieved (50) in a very unusual and dating fashion--he had (51) by sacrificing the queen.
To me, it’s not (52) that he won. What counts is that Marshall had broken with standard (53) to make such a move. He had looked (54) the usual patterns of play and had been willing to consider an imaginative risk on the basis of his judgment and his judgment alone. No matter how the game (55) , Marshall was the winner.
【单选题】(47)处应填()。 A.game B.money C.queen D.chessboard
I’m told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋), many beautiful moves could bc made on a chessboard. In a decisive (36) in which he was evenly matched with a Russian master (37) , Marshall found his queen under serious attack. There were several ways of (38) , and since the queen is the most (39) piece, spectators (观众) thought Marshall would naturally move his queen to (40) .
Deep in thought, Marshall used all his time to consider the (41) . He picked up his queen, paused, and placed it down on the most (42) square of all--a square from which the queen could be (43) by any one of three enemy pieces.
Marshall had sacrificed (牺牲) his queen--an unthinkable move. Everyone else was (44) .
Then the Russian, and the (45) , realized that Marshall had actually made a (46) move. It was clear that no matter how the (47) was taken, the Russian would soon be in a (48) position. Seeing this, the Russian admitted his defeat.
When spectators recovered from the (49) of Marshall’s dating, they showered the chessboard with money. Marshall had achieved (50) in a very unusual and dating fashion--he had (51) by sacrificing the queen.
To me, it’s not (52) that he won. What counts is that Marshall had broken with standard (53) to make such a move. He had looked (54) the usual patterns of play and had been willing to consider an imaginative risk on the basis of his judgment and his judgment alone. No matter how the game (55) , Marshall was the winner.
【单选题】What economic situation is best expressed as "basket case" ( Paragraph 4) ?() A.Very bad. B.Promising. C.Unexpected. D.Naturally developed.
Do you remember the Millennium (千禧年) Goals When world leaders celebrated the year 2000 with a serious promise to reduce poverty (贫穷) and hunger, check the spread of AIDS, get boys and girls into school, and improve public health, all by 2015
Well, three years down the road, and the UNDP’s yearly collection of facts and figures already shows that if we carry on as we are, the only goal likely to be met is that for reducing poverty by a half, and that is entirely due to the success of one country--China. It is so vast that the fast-growing economy in China lifts millions of people above the poverty line, even though in Africa, Latin America and the former Soviet Union, people have actually been getting poorer.
Otherwise, progress is good only in parts. East Asia should meet its goal of reducing hunger by a half by 2015, and Latin America and the Caribbean are not far behind, but at the present speed of progress, Africa and South Asia won’t get there for another hundred years.
The good news is that it can be done--there are success stories. Ghana--an economic basket case in the eighties and early nineties--has managed to find a way out of its difficulties and it’s now comfortably in the middle range of countries, way ahead of the much more naturally wealthy Nigeria. For Congo, Cambodia or Iraq, ruined by war, or every southern African country damaged by AIDS, there is a Mauritius or a South Korea steadily working its way up the league table towards a better life for its people.
【单选题】(41)处应填()。 A.condition B.change C.piece D.action
I’m told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋), many beautiful moves could bc made on a chessboard. In a decisive (36) in which he was evenly matched with a Russian master (37) , Marshall found his queen under serious attack. There were several ways of (38) , and since the queen is the most (39) piece, spectators (观众) thought Marshall would naturally move his queen to (40) .
Deep in thought, Marshall used all his time to consider the (41) . He picked up his queen, paused, and placed it down on the most (42) square of all--a square from which the queen could be (43) by any one of three enemy pieces.
Marshall had sacrificed (牺牲) his queen--an unthinkable move. Everyone else was (44) .
Then the Russian, and the (45) , realized that Marshall had actually made a (46) move. It was clear that no matter how the (47) was taken, the Russian would soon be in a (48) position. Seeing this, the Russian admitted his defeat.
When spectators recovered from the (49) of Marshall’s dating, they showered the chessboard with money. Marshall had achieved (50) in a very unusual and dating fashion--he had (51) by sacrificing the queen.
To me, it’s not (52) that he won. What counts is that Marshall had broken with standard (53) to make such a move. He had looked (54) the usual patterns of play and had been willing to consider an imaginative risk on the basis of his judgment and his judgment alone. No matter how the game (55) , Marshall was the winner.
【单选题】(50)处应填()。 A.prize B.victory C.progress D.attention
I’m told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋), many beautiful moves could bc made on a chessboard. In a decisive (36) in which he was evenly matched with a Russian master (37) , Marshall found his queen under serious attack. There were several ways of (38) , and since the queen is the most (39) piece, spectators (观众) thought Marshall would naturally move his queen to (40) .
Deep in thought, Marshall used all his time to consider the (41) . He picked up his queen, paused, and placed it down on the most (42) square of all--a square from which the queen could be (43) by any one of three enemy pieces.
Marshall had sacrificed (牺牲) his queen--an unthinkable move. Everyone else was (44) .
Then the Russian, and the (45) , realized that Marshall had actually made a (46) move. It was clear that no matter how the (47) was taken, the Russian would soon be in a (48) position. Seeing this, the Russian admitted his defeat.
When spectators recovered from the (49) of Marshall’s dating, they showered the chessboard with money. Marshall had achieved (50) in a very unusual and dating fashion--he had (51) by sacrificing the queen.
To me, it’s not (52) that he won. What counts is that Marshall had broken with standard (53) to make such a move. He had looked (54) the usual patterns of play and had been willing to consider an imaginative risk on the basis of his judgment and his judgment alone. No matter how the game (55) , Marshall was the winner.
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