第二部分参考 26 Somewhat later rain began to fall, slowly at first, and then hard enough to soak the earth. I drifted off to sleep and woke feeling refreshed . 27 We were nearing my family's farm. I was awake and alert . Would there be a light shining on the porch? It was torture to look and I couldn't bear to do it. Suddenly, we were there. I surrendered myself to my fate! 28 The truck driver smiled and said, "Look at that, would you! Just like in a fairy tale ! That house there, the one just over there! Four bamboo cane chairs are sitting on the porch, with lighted lamps in every one of them, and an old man, as still as a statue , is out there with a flashlight aimed toward the road. AND, the porch light is on, too!" 请翻译: 我迷迷糊糊地睡着了,醒来时神清气爽。那门廊上放着四把竹藤椅,每把椅子上面都有亮着的灯。有位老人站在外面,丝毫不动,像一尊雕像一样,他正举着手电朝道路方向照呢!重要的是:门廊的灯也亮着!