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Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

The ice in the Antarctic will never melt.
The disasters caused by icebergs are all over the world.
The Antarctic is hot with volcanoes.
Volcano can protect ice sheet from melting.
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【单选题】19() A. now that B . unless C. though D. as

A manager hoping to blossom as a business leader must develop the skill to communicate effectively. One of the foremost tasks of a leader is to create (1) to a cause. To do that he must first communicate to build mutual understanding.
(2) a manager communicates mostly to (3) information, a leader uses communications to build relationships. A manager overwhelms others with details and still (4) them cold. A leader (5) their hearts by combining his vision with their (6) in a common cause.
Most Asian business leaders are instinctively (7) relationship building (8) direct communications. But they don’t use the mass media so well. While face to face communications is (9) , it’s not enough in today’s big business.
(10) their western (11) , they are not so much frightened by mass media’s potential to magnify, distort, and expose. The problem lies more in the (12) of professional support (13) to them. In most Asian companies the public affairs function either does not exist or is (14) routine chores removed from helping the CEO to communicate with wide audiences. The reason primarily that the (15) communications officers are placed quite low in the organizational hierarchy.
Asia’s need for business leaders who are (16) in using mass media to involve the public (17) the economic development dream has never been greater. Television and the print media have an enormous (18) on the public perception of business. Our business leaders have not yet laced an unsympathetic press. They should start now (19) the day may not be too far away (20) they are suddenly forced to enter the perilous arena of public communications.

【单选题】What is the meaning of the phrase "net cost" in the title() A. The amount of money covering the basics. B. The registration, fee for a domain name on the Internet. C. The amount of money for the const...

The Net Cost of Making a Name for Yourself
Companies are paying up to $10,000 to register a domain name on the Internet even though there is no guarantee that they will get the name they want.
The task of registering domains ending in. com, org, .edu and. net is at present contracted out by the US government to the Virginia-based company Network Solutions. The contract runs out this year, and the government wants to bring in a different scheme.
But last year, an ad hoc committee of the Internet’s great and good revealed its own plan. This involved setting up seven new domains, each indicating the kind of business or organisation using that name. The committee recruited 88 companies around the world to act as registrars for its firm, . shop, . web, . arts, . rec, . info and. nom domains. The US government has still to give the system its blessing, and may yet push ahead with its original scheme. Despite this, the 88 registrars have been taking applications for several months. They are due to start registering names this month with the Internet Council of Registrars, which grew out of the ad hoc committee.
To prevent conflicting names from being registered, the council will take one name from each registrar in mm before going back for the second name in their queues, and so on. This has led to a flourishing trade, with companies trying to buy a place near the head of the queue. Global Names of Singapore is charging $10,000 to make sure a request for a name is the first one it sends off to the central database. Other registrars are charging nonrefundable deposits for places at the top of the queue. David Maher, chairman of the Policy Oversight Committee that is helping to set up and oversee the system, says that all registrars are subject to local laws regarding consumer protection and competition. But he says that the committee "will not act as an enforcement body in this area.\

【单选题】59() A.off B.out C.about D.in

International Trade
Since the end of World War II, international trade has developed dramatically. All countries in the modern world join in worldwide trade, through which various sorts of merchandise and (51) materials arc exported in (52) for foreign currency, which means income wealth from (53) and job opportunity at home, and in the meantime, foreign goods are imported to provide consumers with (54) and welcome merchandise. Today, economic interdependence among countries is so (55) that no country can close its doors to the outside world, and the more prosperous the national economy, the more developed the foreign trade. Economic globalization is now a (56) in the world.
But in the past when old and new colonialism ruled the world there was no free and fair trade at all. Powers, (57) the British empire, the United States, Russia, Japan, divided the world into their spheres of influence—their colonies or dependencies, where their businessmen (58) their merchandise at high prices and bought (59) raw materials and labor at low prices. (60) of wealth flowed to these powers which then grew prosperous, (61) the colonies were driven into destitution (贫困). The national economy of colonies was innately defective. Their industries could not survive the overwhelming (62) of imports from the powers. Their monotonous national economy (63) in production of one or two agricultural crops or (64) products or minerals, to be sold in international market, for example, orange and sugarcane in Cuba, banana and coffee in South-America, coal in Poland, all (65) to supply-demand relation in world market under control of the powers. Even their customs were governed by officials from the powers, whose exported goods thus could enter the colonies nearly duty-free. It was after the collapse of colonialist system all over the world that free and fair international trade, at least theoretically, could be possible.

【单选题】57() A.namely B.as C.likely D.nearly

International Trade
Since the end of World War II, international trade has developed dramatically. All countries in the modern world join in worldwide trade, through which various sorts of merchandise and (51) materials arc exported in (52) for foreign currency, which means income wealth from (53) and job opportunity at home, and in the meantime, foreign goods are imported to provide consumers with (54) and welcome merchandise. Today, economic interdependence among countries is so (55) that no country can close its doors to the outside world, and the more prosperous the national economy, the more developed the foreign trade. Economic globalization is now a (56) in the world.
But in the past when old and new colonialism ruled the world there was no free and fair trade at all. Powers, (57) the British empire, the United States, Russia, Japan, divided the world into their spheres of influence—their colonies or dependencies, where their businessmen (58) their merchandise at high prices and bought (59) raw materials and labor at low prices. (60) of wealth flowed to these powers which then grew prosperous, (61) the colonies were driven into destitution (贫困). The national economy of colonies was innately defective. Their industries could not survive the overwhelming (62) of imports from the powers. Their monotonous national economy (63) in production of one or two agricultural crops or (64) products or minerals, to be sold in international market, for example, orange and sugarcane in Cuba, banana and coffee in South-America, coal in Poland, all (65) to supply-demand relation in world market under control of the powers. Even their customs were governed by officials from the powers, whose exported goods thus could enter the colonies nearly duty-free. It was after the collapse of colonialist system all over the world that free and fair international trade, at least theoretically, could be possible.

【单选题】The Smog The SmogIndonesia was in crisis because of the drought.() A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

For over a month, Indonesia was in crisis. Forest fires raged out of control as the country suffered its worst drought for 50 years. Smoke from the fires mixed with sunlight and hot dry air to form a cloud of smog. This pollution quickly spread and within days it was hanging over neighboring countries including Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars, it soon became poisonous. Dangerous amounts of CO became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People wheezed (喘息) and coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately.
The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whole cities disappeared as grey soot (烟灰) covered everything. In some areas, water was hosed (用胶管浇) from high-rise city buildings to try and break up the smog.
Finally, heavy rains, which came in November. Put out the fires and clear the air. But the environmental costs and health problems will remain. Many people from South-Eastern Asian cities already suffer from breathing huge amounts of car exhaust fumes and factory pollution Breathing problems could well increase and many non-sufferers may have difficulties for the first time. Wildlife has suffered too. In lowland forests, elephants, deer, and tigers have been driven out of their homes by smog.
But smog is not just an Asian problem. In fact .was world was first used in London in 1905 to describe the mixture of smoke and thick fog. Fog often hung over the capital. Sometimes the smog was so thick and poisonous that people were killed by breathing problems or in accidents.
About 4,000 Londoners died within five days as a result of thick smog in 1952.
【单选题】19() A. now that B . unless C. though D. as
A manager hoping to blossom as a business leader must develop the skill to communicate effectively. One of the foremost tasks of a leader is to create (1) to a cause. To do that he must first communicate to build mutual understanding.
(2) a manager communicates mostly to (3) information, a leader uses communications to build relationships. A manager overwhelms others with details and still (4) them cold. A leader (5) their hearts by combining his vision with their (6) in a common cause.
Most Asian business leaders are instinctively (7) relationship building (8) direct communications. But they don’t use the mass media so well. While face to face communications is (9) , it’s not enough in today’s big business.
(10) their western (11) , they are not so much frightened by mass media’s potential to magnify, distort, and expose. The problem lies more in the (12) of professional support (13) to them. In most Asian companies the public affairs function either does not exist or is (14) routine chores removed from helping the CEO to communicate with wide audiences. The reason primarily that the (15) communications officers are placed quite low in the organizational hierarchy.
Asia’s need for business leaders who are (16) in using mass media to involve the public (17) the economic development dream has never been greater. Television and the print media have an enormous (18) on the public perception of business. Our business leaders have not yet laced an unsympathetic press. They should start now (19) the day may not be too far away (20) they are suddenly forced to enter the perilous arena of public communications.
【单选题】What is the meaning of the phrase "net cost" in the title() A. The amount of money covering the basics. B. The registration, fee for a domain name on the Internet. C. The amount of money for the const...
The Net Cost of Making a Name for Yourself
Companies are paying up to $10,000 to register a domain name on the Internet even though there is no guarantee that they will get the name they want.
The task of registering domains ending in. com, org, .edu and. net is at present contracted out by the US government to the Virginia-based company Network Solutions. The contract runs out this year, and the government wants to bring in a different scheme.
But last year, an ad hoc committee of the Internet’s great and good revealed its own plan. This involved setting up seven new domains, each indicating the kind of business or organisation using that name. The committee recruited 88 companies around the world to act as registrars for its firm, . shop, . web, . arts, . rec, . info and. nom domains. The US government has still to give the system its blessing, and may yet push ahead with its original scheme. Despite this, the 88 registrars have been taking applications for several months. They are due to start registering names this month with the Internet Council of Registrars, which grew out of the ad hoc committee.
To prevent conflicting names from being registered, the council will take one name from each registrar in mm before going back for the second name in their queues, and so on. This has led to a flourishing trade, with companies trying to buy a place near the head of the queue. Global Names of Singapore is charging $10,000 to make sure a request for a name is the first one it sends off to the central database. Other registrars are charging nonrefundable deposits for places at the top of the queue. David Maher, chairman of the Policy Oversight Committee that is helping to set up and oversee the system, says that all registrars are subject to local laws regarding consumer protection and competition. But he says that the committee "will not act as an enforcement body in this area.\
【单选题】59() A.off B.out C.about D.in
International Trade
Since the end of World War II, international trade has developed dramatically. All countries in the modern world join in worldwide trade, through which various sorts of merchandise and (51) materials arc exported in (52) for foreign currency, which means income wealth from (53) and job opportunity at home, and in the meantime, foreign goods are imported to provide consumers with (54) and welcome merchandise. Today, economic interdependence among countries is so (55) that no country can close its doors to the outside world, and the more prosperous the national economy, the more developed the foreign trade. Economic globalization is now a (56) in the world.
But in the past when old and new colonialism ruled the world there was no free and fair trade at all. Powers, (57) the British empire, the United States, Russia, Japan, divided the world into their spheres of influence—their colonies or dependencies, where their businessmen (58) their merchandise at high prices and bought (59) raw materials and labor at low prices. (60) of wealth flowed to these powers which then grew prosperous, (61) the colonies were driven into destitution (贫困). The national economy of colonies was innately defective. Their industries could not survive the overwhelming (62) of imports from the powers. Their monotonous national economy (63) in production of one or two agricultural crops or (64) products or minerals, to be sold in international market, for example, orange and sugarcane in Cuba, banana and coffee in South-America, coal in Poland, all (65) to supply-demand relation in world market under control of the powers. Even their customs were governed by officials from the powers, whose exported goods thus could enter the colonies nearly duty-free. It was after the collapse of colonialist system all over the world that free and fair international trade, at least theoretically, could be possible.
【单选题】57() A.namely B.as C.likely D.nearly
International Trade
Since the end of World War II, international trade has developed dramatically. All countries in the modern world join in worldwide trade, through which various sorts of merchandise and (51) materials arc exported in (52) for foreign currency, which means income wealth from (53) and job opportunity at home, and in the meantime, foreign goods are imported to provide consumers with (54) and welcome merchandise. Today, economic interdependence among countries is so (55) that no country can close its doors to the outside world, and the more prosperous the national economy, the more developed the foreign trade. Economic globalization is now a (56) in the world.
But in the past when old and new colonialism ruled the world there was no free and fair trade at all. Powers, (57) the British empire, the United States, Russia, Japan, divided the world into their spheres of influence—their colonies or dependencies, where their businessmen (58) their merchandise at high prices and bought (59) raw materials and labor at low prices. (60) of wealth flowed to these powers which then grew prosperous, (61) the colonies were driven into destitution (贫困). The national economy of colonies was innately defective. Their industries could not survive the overwhelming (62) of imports from the powers. Their monotonous national economy (63) in production of one or two agricultural crops or (64) products or minerals, to be sold in international market, for example, orange and sugarcane in Cuba, banana and coffee in South-America, coal in Poland, all (65) to supply-demand relation in world market under control of the powers. Even their customs were governed by officials from the powers, whose exported goods thus could enter the colonies nearly duty-free. It was after the collapse of colonialist system all over the world that free and fair international trade, at least theoretically, could be possible.
【单选题】The Smog The SmogIndonesia was in crisis because of the drought.() A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
For over a month, Indonesia was in crisis. Forest fires raged out of control as the country suffered its worst drought for 50 years. Smoke from the fires mixed with sunlight and hot dry air to form a cloud of smog. This pollution quickly spread and within days it was hanging over neighboring countries including Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars, it soon became poisonous. Dangerous amounts of CO became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People wheezed (喘息) and coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately.
The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whole cities disappeared as grey soot (烟灰) covered everything. In some areas, water was hosed (用胶管浇) from high-rise city buildings to try and break up the smog.
Finally, heavy rains, which came in November. Put out the fires and clear the air. But the environmental costs and health problems will remain. Many people from South-Eastern Asian cities already suffer from breathing huge amounts of car exhaust fumes and factory pollution Breathing problems could well increase and many non-sufferers may have difficulties for the first time. Wildlife has suffered too. In lowland forests, elephants, deer, and tigers have been driven out of their homes by smog.
But smog is not just an Asian problem. In fact .was world was first used in London in 1905 to describe the mixture of smoke and thick fog. Fog often hung over the capital. Sometimes the smog was so thick and poisonous that people were killed by breathing problems or in accidents.
About 4,000 Londoners died within five days as a result of thick smog in 1952.
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