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[A] THINGS have not been going well for Sony lately. Last month senior executives at the Japanese electronics giant issued an unprecedented apology after discovering that 9.6m laptop batteries, supplied to other computer-makers, were faulty and would have to be recalled at a cost of $436m. Sony’s Blue-ray high-definition technology, launched this summer, has suffered from delays and component shortages. "They really need some good news," says Paul Jackson of Forrester, a consultancy.
[B] In gaming, Sony faces far stronger competition than it did when it launched the PlayStation 2 in 2000. The PS2 went on to sell over 100m units, giving Sony 70% of the market. But gaming is a cyclical business, and success in one round does not guarantee success in the next. Microsoft has already sold over 6m of its Xbox 360 consoles, launched a year ago, and expects to have sold 10m by the end of 2006. Manufacturing problems delayed the PS3’s launch from May and meant that only 93000 consoles were available for the Japanese launch, Sony hopes to sell 2m by the end of the year, but even if it does so, it will start the race in third place.
[C] Yet it will be some time before it is possible to tell whether the PS3 can rescue Sony. Beneath the short-term troubles, the company is playing a long . Sony is betting that the PS3’s advanced technology will sustain the company for a decade by extending the PlayStation franchise beyond gaming.
[D] Finally, the PS3 is a litmus test for Sir Howard’s turnaround effort, one of the aims of which is to get Sony’s various divisions to co-operate more fully. Sony has improved margins in its electronics business and reduced headcount by 10 000 ahead of schedule. Sir Howard even suggested this week that the battery fiasco had helped by it easier for him to convince doubters within Sony of the need to change.
[E] Sony needs the PS3 to succeed for three reasons: to maintain its lucrative dominance of the s industry; to seed the market for Blue-ray and establish Sony in the emerging market for internet video downloads; and to demonstrate that the turnaround being led by Howard Stringer, who took over as chief executive in 2005, is working and that Sony’s gaming, electronics and content divisions really can work together. Despite the enthusiasm of the PS3’s early buyers, success in each of these areas is far from assured.
[F] American regulators began investigating the company last month as part of an inquiry into allegations of price-fixing in the memory-chip market. And having brag been the world’s most valuable electronics firm by stockmarket value, Sony’s market capitalisation has fallen to less than half that of Samsung, its South Korean rival.
[G] So a lot is riding on the PlayStation 3 (PS3), the latest incarnation of Sony’s industry-leading s console, which was launched with much fanfare in Japan on November 11th. At the Yurakucho flagship store of Bic Camera, one of Japan’s largest electronics retailers, hundreds of garners queued through a cold night. Ken Kutaragi, who runs Sony’s gaming division, was there to welcome them in the morning.
[H] The PS3 is also meant to ensure that Blue-ray triumphs over HD-DVD as the high-definition successor to the DVD video format. The idea is that millions of PS3s bought by garners will seed the market for Blue-ray, providing it with critical mass and ensuring that Hollywood studios, which are reluctant to back two rival standards, plump for Blue-ray over HD-DVD. But instead of riding the PS3 as a Trojan horse, Blue-ray has instead hobbled it by increasing its price and delaying its introduction.
[I] So a few teething problems in the early days are nothing to worry about; besides, the PS2 was also criticised for being expensive, over-engineered and unreliable when it first appeared. But having achieved 70% market share last time around, Sony is certain to lose ground this time. The only question is how much.


[A] THINGS have not been going well for Sony lately. Last month senior executives at the Japanese electronics giant issued an unprecedented apology after discovering that 9.6m laptop batteries, supplied to other computer-makers, were faulty and would have to be recalled at a cost of $436m. Sony’s Blue-ray high-definition technology, launched this summer, has suffered from delays and component shortages. "They really need some good news," says Paul Jackson of Forrester, a consultancy.
[B] In gaming, Sony faces far stronger competition than it did when it launched the PlayStation 2 in 2000. The PS2 went on to sell over 100m units, giving Sony 70% of the market. But gaming is a cyclical business, and success in one round does not guarantee success in the next. Microsoft has already sold over 6m of its Xbox 360 consoles, launched a year ago, and expects to have sold 10m by the end of 2006. Manufacturing problems delayed the PS3’s launch from May and meant that only 93000 consoles were available for the Japanese launch, Sony hopes to sell 2m by the end of the year, but even if it does so, it will start the race in third place.
[C] Yet it will be some time before it is possible to tell whether the PS3 can rescue Sony. Beneath the short-term troubles, the company is playing a long . Sony is betting that the PS3’s advanced technology will sustain the company for a decade by extending the PlayStation franchise beyond gaming.
[D] Finally, the PS3 is a litmus test for Sir Howard’s turnaround effort, one of the aims of which is to get Sony’s various divisions to co-operate more fully. Sony has improved margins in its electronics business and reduced headcount by 10 000 ahead of schedule. Sir Howard even suggested this week that the battery fiasco had helped by it easier for him to convince doubters within Sony of the need to change.
[E] Sony needs the PS3 to succeed for three reasons: to maintain its lucrative dominance of the s industry; to seed the market for Blue-ray and establish Sony in the emerging market for internet video downloads; and to demonstrate that the turnaround being led by Howard Stringer, who took over as chief executive in 2005, is working and that Sony’s gaming, electronics and content divisions really can work together. Despite the enthusiasm of the PS3’s early buyers, success in each of these areas is far from assured.
[F] American regulators began investigating the company last month as part of an inquiry into allegations of price-fixing in the memory-chip market. And having brag been the world’s most valuable electronics firm by stockmarket value, Sony’s market capitalisation has fallen to less than half that of Samsung, its South Korean rival.
[G] So a lot is riding on the PlayStation 3 (PS3), the latest incarnation of Sony’s industry-leading s console, which was launched with much fanfare in Japan on November 11th. At the Yurakucho flagship store of Bic Camera, one of Japan’s largest electronics retailers, hundreds of garners queued through a cold night. Ken Kutaragi, who runs Sony’s gaming division, was there to welcome them in the morning.
[H] The PS3 is also meant to ensure that Blue-ray triumphs over HD-DVD as the high-definition successor to the DVD video format. The idea is that millions of PS3s bought by garners will seed the market for Blue-ray, providing it with critical mass and ensuring that Hollywood studios, which are reluctant to back two rival standards, plump for Blue-ray over HD-DVD. But instead of riding the PS3 as a Trojan horse, Blue-ray has instead hobbled it by increasing its price and delaying its introduction.
[I] So a few teething problems in the early days are nothing to worry about; besides, the PS2 was also criticised for being expensive, over-engineered and unreliable when it first appeared. But having achieved 70% market share last time around, Sony is certain to lose ground this time. The only question is how much.

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【单选题】THE ivory-billed woodpecker is not large, as birds go: It is about the size of a crow, but flashier, its claim to fame is that, though it had been thought extinct since 1944, a lone kayaker spotted it...

The irrigation project is really a wonderful plan to help people get rid of poverty.
The situation of Clarendon would become tougher without support of tourism.
Some programs like the great irrigation project had been planed very elaborately.
Symbolization of Brinkley is ivorybill woodpecker.

【单选题】What does the woman speaker tell us about the old lady() A.She went to the post office to draw her pension. B.She lost most of the pension. C.She lost a little. D.She was hurt by the man.

W: Gosh! Have you seen this, Richard
M: Seen what
W: In the paper, it says there’s a man going round pretending he’s from the electricity board. He’s been calling at people’s home, saying he’s come to cheek that all their appliances are safe. Then he gets around them to make him a cup of tea and while they are out of the room, he steals their money, handbag, whatever and makes off with it.
M: But you know Jane, it’s partly their own fault. You should never let anyone like that in unless you are expecting them.
W: It’s all very well to say that, but someone comes to the door and says electricity or gas, and you automatically think they are OK, especially if they flash a card to you.
M: Does this man have an ID then
W: Yes, that’s just it! It seems he used to work tot the electricity board at one time. According to the paper, the police are warning people, especially pensioners not to admit anyone unless they have an appointment. It’s a bit sad. One old lady told them she’d just been to the post office to draw her pension when he called. She said he must have followed her home. He stole the whole lot.
M: But what does he look like Surely they must have a description.
W: Oh, yes, they have. Let’s see. In his thirties, tall, bushy dark hair, slight northern accent, sounds a bit like you actually.

【单选题】25(). A.companions B.friends C.comrades D.fellows

Traveling can be fun and easy. A vacation trip to another country is especially (21) when the traveling conditions are good. Good traveling conditions (22) a comfortable mode of transportation, knowledge of the (23) language, familiarity (24) the custom and habits of the people in the country, and pleasant traveling (25) . All of us have had nice trips (26) this.
Most of us have also had trips that we would (27) to forget. Many conditions can produce a bad (28) experience. For example, if the four conditions (29) above do not exist, we will probably have a bad experience, (30) at best difficult (31) . Students who travel to a (32) country to study often have a difficult trip. They usually travel (33) . They don’t know the language of the new country (34) . They often arrive in the new country (35) a judge international airport. From the airport, they need to (36) their way to their school. Maybe they need to (37) airplanes, to take a bus, a train, or a taxi. They need to do ail this in a country (38) everything is unfamiliar. Later, after the experience is (39) , they can laugh. But at the (40) , they feel terrible.
【单选题】THE ivory-billed woodpecker is not large, as birds go: It is about the size of a crow, but flashier, its claim to fame is that, though it had been thought extinct since 1944, a lone kayaker spotted it...
The irrigation project is really a wonderful plan to help people get rid of poverty.
The situation of Clarendon would become tougher without support of tourism.
Some programs like the great irrigation project had been planed very elaborately.
Symbolization of Brinkley is ivorybill woodpecker.
【单选题】What does the woman speaker tell us about the old lady() A.She went to the post office to draw her pension. B.She lost most of the pension. C.She lost a little. D.She was hurt by the man.
W: Gosh! Have you seen this, Richard
M: Seen what
W: In the paper, it says there’s a man going round pretending he’s from the electricity board. He’s been calling at people’s home, saying he’s come to cheek that all their appliances are safe. Then he gets around them to make him a cup of tea and while they are out of the room, he steals their money, handbag, whatever and makes off with it.
M: But you know Jane, it’s partly their own fault. You should never let anyone like that in unless you are expecting them.
W: It’s all very well to say that, but someone comes to the door and says electricity or gas, and you automatically think they are OK, especially if they flash a card to you.
M: Does this man have an ID then
W: Yes, that’s just it! It seems he used to work tot the electricity board at one time. According to the paper, the police are warning people, especially pensioners not to admit anyone unless they have an appointment. It’s a bit sad. One old lady told them she’d just been to the post office to draw her pension when he called. She said he must have followed her home. He stole the whole lot.
M: But what does he look like Surely they must have a description.
W: Oh, yes, they have. Let’s see. In his thirties, tall, bushy dark hair, slight northern accent, sounds a bit like you actually.
【单选题】25(). A.companions B.friends C.comrades D.fellows
Traveling can be fun and easy. A vacation trip to another country is especially (21) when the traveling conditions are good. Good traveling conditions (22) a comfortable mode of transportation, knowledge of the (23) language, familiarity (24) the custom and habits of the people in the country, and pleasant traveling (25) . All of us have had nice trips (26) this.
Most of us have also had trips that we would (27) to forget. Many conditions can produce a bad (28) experience. For example, if the four conditions (29) above do not exist, we will probably have a bad experience, (30) at best difficult (31) . Students who travel to a (32) country to study often have a difficult trip. They usually travel (33) . They don’t know the language of the new country (34) . They often arrive in the new country (35) a judge international airport. From the airport, they need to (36) their way to their school. Maybe they need to (37) airplanes, to take a bus, a train, or a taxi. They need to do ail this in a country (38) everything is unfamiliar. Later, after the experience is (39) , they can laugh. But at the (40) , they feel terrible.
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