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It is always a little sad to say goodbye to a long-time friend you are leaving forever, a (1) you have spent many hours with, in all sorts of (2) . David didn’t think I should be so (3) about the separation. "It’s (4) a car," he said. "And we need a (5) one. "
We were standing in the hot car park outside a car dealer’s office, keys to the new (6) in David’s hand, keys to the old one in mine. David took the keys and handed them to the (7) As we drove away, I (8) to look at my trusty friend, standing silent and alone.
As it turned out, I (9) the new car. It ran beautifully, all the tires were good, (10) I happily stopped buying gas every week. Our age children were (11) to ride around in a small green car (12) a smoky van (小型客货车). It began to feel like our family’s car.
Still, I (13) looking in the rear-view mirror (后视镜) and seeing the seats (14) I used to put my little children. I still thought about the family (15) in that car and the fun we had together.
Then one day, I happened to go to a (16) . I parked in a sea of vehicles (车辆). As I (17) through the car park on my way into the store, I saw a (18) blue van coming slowly toward me. A little boy and a girl looked out the window at me as I stared at them in great (19) . The boy smiled at me cheerfully and waved. Then, as I waved back slowly with (20) feelings, and then walked quickly away toward the store’s entrance, I burst into tears.
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【单选题】(36)处应填()。 A.entered B.visited C.heard of D.set up

Would you believe that the first outstanding deaf teacher in America was Laurent Clerc, a Frenchman At 12, he (36) the Royal Institution for the Deaf in Paris where he became a top student. After (37) , the school asked him to stay on as a (38) .
Meanwhile, an American named Thomas Gallaudet was studying to be a minister. (牧师) (39) he met a young girl who was deaf. He was disappointed to learn that there were no (40) for the deaf in America. (41) , in 1815 Gallaudet sailed to London to (42) information on deaf education. However, he was (43) to get help and became frustrated (灰心的). Fortunately he met a French educator who (44) him to go to Paris to spend three months (45) at the school where Clerc was working. The school asked Clerc to teach (46) sign language. As a result, the two men (47) each other.
When the time came for Gallaudet to (48) America, he asked Clerc to come with him. The two men (49) in June 1816. The voyage (50) the Atlantic (大西洋) took days. They put the time to productive use, (51) for the new school for the deaf (52) they wanted to ’open. Such a school was (53) the following year in Connecticut.
At the school, Clerc led a busy life. Although he wanted to return to France, he (54) did. He died on July 18, 1869, still in America. France’s (55) was America’s gain!

【单选题】(54)处应填()。 A.often B.sometimes C.seldom D.never

Would you believe that the first outstanding deaf teacher in America was Laurent Clerc, a Frenchman At 12, he (36) the Royal Institution for the Deaf in Paris where he became a top student. After (37) , the school asked him to stay on as a (38) .
Meanwhile, an American named Thomas Gallaudet was studying to be a minister. (牧师) (39) he met a young girl who was deaf. He was disappointed to learn that there were no (40) for the deaf in America. (41) , in 1815 Gallaudet sailed to London to (42) information on deaf education. However, he was (43) to get help and became frustrated (灰心的). Fortunately he met a French educator who (44) him to go to Paris to spend three months (45) at the school where Clerc was working. The school asked Clerc to teach (46) sign language. As a result, the two men (47) each other.
When the time came for Gallaudet to (48) America, he asked Clerc to come with him. The two men (49) in June 1816. The voyage (50) the Atlantic (大西洋) took days. They put the time to productive use, (51) for the new school for the deaf (52) they wanted to ’open. Such a school was (53) the following year in Connecticut.
At the school, Clerc led a busy life. Although he wanted to return to France, he (54) did. He died on July 18, 1869, still in America. France’s (55) was America’s gain!

【单选题】3() A.unhappy B.sure C.crazy D.careless

It is always a little sad to say goodbye to a long-time friend you are leaving forever, a (1) you have spent many hours with, in all sorts of (2) . David didn’t think I should be so (3) about the separation. "It’s (4) a car," he said. "And we need a (5) one. "
We were standing in the hot car park outside a car dealer’s office, keys to the new (6) in David’s hand, keys to the old one in mine. David took the keys and handed them to the (7) As we drove away, I (8) to look at my trusty friend, standing silent and alone.
As it turned out, I (9) the new car. It ran beautifully, all the tires were good, (10) I happily stopped buying gas every week. Our teenage children were (11) to ride around in a small green car (12) a smoky van (小型客货车). It began to feel like our family’s car.
Still, I (13) looking in the rear-view mirror (后视镜) and seeing the seats (14) I used to put my little children. I still thought about the family (15) in that car and the fun we had together.
Then one day, I happened to go to a (16) . I parked in a sea of vehicles (车辆). As I (17) through the car park on my way into the store, I saw a (18) blue van coming slowly toward me. A little boy and a girl looked out the window at me as I stared at them in great (19) . The boy smiled at me cheerfully and waved. Then, as I waved back slowly with (20) feelings, and then walked quickly away toward the store’s entrance, I burst into tears.

【单选题】13() A.missed B.enjoyed C.avoided D.forgot

It is always a little sad to say goodbye to a long-time friend you are leaving forever, a (1) you have spent many hours with, in all sorts of (2) . David didn’t think I should be so (3) about the separation. "It’s (4) a car," he said. "And we need a (5) one. "
We were standing in the hot car park outside a car dealer’s office, keys to the new (6) in David’s hand, keys to the old one in mine. David took the keys and handed them to the (7) As we drove away, I (8) to look at my trusty friend, standing silent and alone.
As it turned out, I (9) the new car. It ran beautifully, all the tires were good, (10) I happily stopped buying gas every week. Our teenage children were (11) to ride around in a small green car (12) a smoky van (小型客货车). It began to feel like our family’s car.
Still, I (13) looking in the rear-view mirror (后视镜) and seeing the seats (14) I used to put my little children. I still thought about the family (15) in that car and the fun we had together.
Then one day, I happened to go to a (16) . I parked in a sea of vehicles (车辆). As I (17) through the car park on my way into the store, I saw a (18) blue van coming slowly toward me. A little boy and a girl looked out the window at me as I stared at them in great (19) . The boy smiled at me cheerfully and waved. Then, as I waved back slowly with (20) feelings, and then walked quickly away toward the store’s entrance, I burst into tears.

【单选题】According to Professor Melhuish, a service robot should be able to (). A.understand human instructions B.show feelings by the looks on its face C.follow the thoughts in its master’s mind D.express its...

British scientists have been given £ 1 million by the European Commission to find out if a robot (机器人) can safely be employed to stir (搅拌) soup.
The research, based at the Bristol Robotics Lab (BRL), will look at the problems of a human and a robot working together in the same space; for example, in a kitchen where the service robot is performing a task such as stirring soup while you add cream.
Professor Chris Melhuish explained, "When we work with other humans, we are trying to understand facial expression, body movements, quality of voice, as well as sharing a goal and understanding and following spoken instructions. "
"For example, in the soup situation, not only does the robot need to know what the goal is ( making the soup) but he also needs to know how hard to stir the soup, what it means when you hold up your hand to say enough, to understand the look of pain on your face if you accidentally get wet with hot soup, and to stop stirring when told. The research aims to develop the rules we need to introduce this level of cleverness into service robots who are working closely with people. "
Professor Melhuish, of the BRL, said robots working in factories at present are kept behind gates for safety reasons--a measure that is not practical in the kitchen.
The research is a joint effort between robotic engineers and scientists from West of England and Bristol universities.

【单选题】How are service robots at home different from those in factories?() A.They perform easier tasks. B.They can work in small spaces. C.They know human goals better. D.They work closely with humans.

British scientists have been given £ 1 million by the European Commission to find out if a robot (机器人) can safely be employed to stir (搅拌) soup.
The research, based at the Bristol Robotics Lab (BRL), will look at the problems of a human and a robot working together in the same space; for example, in a kitchen where the service robot is performing a task such as stirring soup while you add cream.
Professor Chris Melhuish explained, "When we work with other humans, we are trying to understand facial expression, body movements, quality of voice, as well as sharing a goal and understanding and following spoken instructions. "
"For example, in the soup situation, not only does the robot need to know what the goal is ( making the soup) but he also needs to know how hard to stir the soup, what it means when you hold up your hand to say enough, to understand the look of pain on your face if you accidentally get wet with hot soup, and to stop stirring when told. The research aims to develop the rules we need to introduce this level of cleverness into service robots who are working closely with people. "
Professor Melhuish, of the BRL, said robots working in factories at present are kept behind gates for safety reasons--a measure that is not practical in the kitchen.
The research is a joint effort between robotic engineers and scientists from West of England and Bristol universities.

【单选题】What did the author do with the students found dishonest ?() A.He reported them to the headmaster. B.He lectured them hard on honesty. C.He had them take notes before lunch. D.He helped improve their ...

I was in my third year of teaching writing at Ralph High School in New York, when one of my students, 15-year-old Mikey, gave me a note from his mother. It explained his absence (缺席) from class the day before:
"Dear Mr. McCort, Mikey’s grandmother, who is eighty years of age, fell down the stairs from too much coffee and I kept Mikey at home to take care of her and his baby sister so I could go to my job. Please excuse Mikey and he’ll do his best in the future. P.S. His grandmother is OK. "
I had seen Mikey writing the note at his desk. I said nothing. Most parental-excuse notes I received were penned by my students. If I were to deal with them, I’d be busy 24 hours a day. The writers of those notes didn’t realize that honest excuse notes were usually dull : "Peter was late because the alarm clock didn’t go off. "
The students always said it was bard putting 200 words together on any subject, but when they produced excuse notes, they were excellent. So I decided to type out a dozen excuse notes and gave them to my classes. I said, "They’re supposed to be written by parents, but actually they are not. True, Mikey" The students looked at me nervously.
"Now, this will be the first class to study the art of the excuse note -the first class, ever, to practice writing them. " Everyone smiled as I went on, "Today I’d like you to write An Excuse Note from Adam to God’ or ’ An Excuse Note from Eve to God’. " Heads went down. Pens raced across paper. For the first time ever I saw students so immersed (专心的) in their writing, they had to be asked to go to lunch by their friends.
The next day everyone had excuse notes. Heated discussions followed. But suddenly I saw the headmaster at the door. He entered the classroom and walked up and down, looking at papers, and then said, "I’d like you to see me in my office. " My heart sank.
When I stepped into his office, he came to shake my hand and said, "I just want to tell you that that lesson, that task, whatever the hell you were doing, was great. Those kids were writing on the college level. Thank you. \

【单选题】(51)处应填()。 A.learning languages B.designing games C.meeting students D.making plans

Would you believe that the first outstanding deaf teacher in America was Laurent Clerc, a Frenchman At 12, he (36) the Royal Institution for the Deaf in Paris where he became a top student. After (37) , the school asked him to stay on as a (38) .
Meanwhile, an American named Thomas Gallaudet was studying to be a minister. (牧师) (39) he met a young girl who was deaf. He was disappointed to learn that there were no (40) for the deaf in America. (41) , in 1815 Gallaudet sailed to London to (42) information on deaf education. However, he was (43) to get help and became frustrated (灰心的). Fortunately he met a French educator who (44) him to go to Paris to spend three months (45) at the school where Clerc was working. The school asked Clerc to teach (46) sign language. As a result, the two men (47) each other.
When the time came for Gallaudet to (48) America, he asked Clerc to come with him. The two men (49) in June 1816. The voyage (50) the Atlantic (大西洋) took days. They put the time to productive use, (51) for the new school for the deaf (52) they wanted to ’open. Such a school was (53) the following year in Connecticut.
At the school, Clerc led a busy life. Although he wanted to return to France, he (54) did. He died on July 18, 1869, still in America. France’s (55) was America’s gain!
【单选题】(36)处应填()。 A.entered B.visited C.heard of D.set up
Would you believe that the first outstanding deaf teacher in America was Laurent Clerc, a Frenchman At 12, he (36) the Royal Institution for the Deaf in Paris where he became a top student. After (37) , the school asked him to stay on as a (38) .
Meanwhile, an American named Thomas Gallaudet was studying to be a minister. (牧师) (39) he met a young girl who was deaf. He was disappointed to learn that there were no (40) for the deaf in America. (41) , in 1815 Gallaudet sailed to London to (42) information on deaf education. However, he was (43) to get help and became frustrated (灰心的). Fortunately he met a French educator who (44) him to go to Paris to spend three months (45) at the school where Clerc was working. The school asked Clerc to teach (46) sign language. As a result, the two men (47) each other.
When the time came for Gallaudet to (48) America, he asked Clerc to come with him. The two men (49) in June 1816. The voyage (50) the Atlantic (大西洋) took days. They put the time to productive use, (51) for the new school for the deaf (52) they wanted to ’open. Such a school was (53) the following year in Connecticut.
At the school, Clerc led a busy life. Although he wanted to return to France, he (54) did. He died on July 18, 1869, still in America. France’s (55) was America’s gain!
【单选题】(54)处应填()。 A.often B.sometimes C.seldom D.never
Would you believe that the first outstanding deaf teacher in America was Laurent Clerc, a Frenchman At 12, he (36) the Royal Institution for the Deaf in Paris where he became a top student. After (37) , the school asked him to stay on as a (38) .
Meanwhile, an American named Thomas Gallaudet was studying to be a minister. (牧师) (39) he met a young girl who was deaf. He was disappointed to learn that there were no (40) for the deaf in America. (41) , in 1815 Gallaudet sailed to London to (42) information on deaf education. However, he was (43) to get help and became frustrated (灰心的). Fortunately he met a French educator who (44) him to go to Paris to spend three months (45) at the school where Clerc was working. The school asked Clerc to teach (46) sign language. As a result, the two men (47) each other.
When the time came for Gallaudet to (48) America, he asked Clerc to come with him. The two men (49) in June 1816. The voyage (50) the Atlantic (大西洋) took days. They put the time to productive use, (51) for the new school for the deaf (52) they wanted to ’open. Such a school was (53) the following year in Connecticut.
At the school, Clerc led a busy life. Although he wanted to return to France, he (54) did. He died on July 18, 1869, still in America. France’s (55) was America’s gain!
【单选题】3() A.unhappy B.sure C.crazy D.careless
It is always a little sad to say goodbye to a long-time friend you are leaving forever, a (1) you have spent many hours with, in all sorts of (2) . David didn’t think I should be so (3) about the separation. "It’s (4) a car," he said. "And we need a (5) one. "
We were standing in the hot car park outside a car dealer’s office, keys to the new (6) in David’s hand, keys to the old one in mine. David took the keys and handed them to the (7) As we drove away, I (8) to look at my trusty friend, standing silent and alone.
As it turned out, I (9) the new car. It ran beautifully, all the tires were good, (10) I happily stopped buying gas every week. Our teenage children were (11) to ride around in a small green car (12) a smoky van (小型客货车). It began to feel like our family’s car.
Still, I (13) looking in the rear-view mirror (后视镜) and seeing the seats (14) I used to put my little children. I still thought about the family (15) in that car and the fun we had together.
Then one day, I happened to go to a (16) . I parked in a sea of vehicles (车辆). As I (17) through the car park on my way into the store, I saw a (18) blue van coming slowly toward me. A little boy and a girl looked out the window at me as I stared at them in great (19) . The boy smiled at me cheerfully and waved. Then, as I waved back slowly with (20) feelings, and then walked quickly away toward the store’s entrance, I burst into tears.
【单选题】13() A.missed B.enjoyed C.avoided D.forgot
It is always a little sad to say goodbye to a long-time friend you are leaving forever, a (1) you have spent many hours with, in all sorts of (2) . David didn’t think I should be so (3) about the separation. "It’s (4) a car," he said. "And we need a (5) one. "
We were standing in the hot car park outside a car dealer’s office, keys to the new (6) in David’s hand, keys to the old one in mine. David took the keys and handed them to the (7) As we drove away, I (8) to look at my trusty friend, standing silent and alone.
As it turned out, I (9) the new car. It ran beautifully, all the tires were good, (10) I happily stopped buying gas every week. Our teenage children were (11) to ride around in a small green car (12) a smoky van (小型客货车). It began to feel like our family’s car.
Still, I (13) looking in the rear-view mirror (后视镜) and seeing the seats (14) I used to put my little children. I still thought about the family (15) in that car and the fun we had together.
Then one day, I happened to go to a (16) . I parked in a sea of vehicles (车辆). As I (17) through the car park on my way into the store, I saw a (18) blue van coming slowly toward me. A little boy and a girl looked out the window at me as I stared at them in great (19) . The boy smiled at me cheerfully and waved. Then, as I waved back slowly with (20) feelings, and then walked quickly away toward the store’s entrance, I burst into tears.
【单选题】According to Professor Melhuish, a service robot should be able to (). A.understand human instructions B.show feelings by the looks on its face C.follow the thoughts in its master’s mind D.express its...
British scientists have been given £ 1 million by the European Commission to find out if a robot (机器人) can safely be employed to stir (搅拌) soup.
The research, based at the Bristol Robotics Lab (BRL), will look at the problems of a human and a robot working together in the same space; for example, in a kitchen where the service robot is performing a task such as stirring soup while you add cream.
Professor Chris Melhuish explained, "When we work with other humans, we are trying to understand facial expression, body movements, quality of voice, as well as sharing a goal and understanding and following spoken instructions. "
"For example, in the soup situation, not only does the robot need to know what the goal is ( making the soup) but he also needs to know how hard to stir the soup, what it means when you hold up your hand to say enough, to understand the look of pain on your face if you accidentally get wet with hot soup, and to stop stirring when told. The research aims to develop the rules we need to introduce this level of cleverness into service robots who are working closely with people. "
Professor Melhuish, of the BRL, said robots working in factories at present are kept behind gates for safety reasons--a measure that is not practical in the kitchen.
The research is a joint effort between robotic engineers and scientists from West of England and Bristol universities.
【单选题】How are service robots at home different from those in factories?() A.They perform easier tasks. B.They can work in small spaces. C.They know human goals better. D.They work closely with humans.
British scientists have been given £ 1 million by the European Commission to find out if a robot (机器人) can safely be employed to stir (搅拌) soup.
The research, based at the Bristol Robotics Lab (BRL), will look at the problems of a human and a robot working together in the same space; for example, in a kitchen where the service robot is performing a task such as stirring soup while you add cream.
Professor Chris Melhuish explained, "When we work with other humans, we are trying to understand facial expression, body movements, quality of voice, as well as sharing a goal and understanding and following spoken instructions. "
"For example, in the soup situation, not only does the robot need to know what the goal is ( making the soup) but he also needs to know how hard to stir the soup, what it means when you hold up your hand to say enough, to understand the look of pain on your face if you accidentally get wet with hot soup, and to stop stirring when told. The research aims to develop the rules we need to introduce this level of cleverness into service robots who are working closely with people. "
Professor Melhuish, of the BRL, said robots working in factories at present are kept behind gates for safety reasons--a measure that is not practical in the kitchen.
The research is a joint effort between robotic engineers and scientists from West of England and Bristol universities.
【单选题】What did the author do with the students found dishonest ?() A.He reported them to the headmaster. B.He lectured them hard on honesty. C.He had them take notes before lunch. D.He helped improve their ...
I was in my third year of teaching writing at Ralph High School in New York, when one of my students, 15-year-old Mikey, gave me a note from his mother. It explained his absence (缺席) from class the day before:
"Dear Mr. McCort, Mikey’s grandmother, who is eighty years of age, fell down the stairs from too much coffee and I kept Mikey at home to take care of her and his baby sister so I could go to my job. Please excuse Mikey and he’ll do his best in the future. P.S. His grandmother is OK. "
I had seen Mikey writing the note at his desk. I said nothing. Most parental-excuse notes I received were penned by my students. If I were to deal with them, I’d be busy 24 hours a day. The writers of those notes didn’t realize that honest excuse notes were usually dull : "Peter was late because the alarm clock didn’t go off. "
The students always said it was bard putting 200 words together on any subject, but when they produced excuse notes, they were excellent. So I decided to type out a dozen excuse notes and gave them to my classes. I said, "They’re supposed to be written by parents, but actually they are not. True, Mikey" The students looked at me nervously.
"Now, this will be the first class to study the art of the excuse note -the first class, ever, to practice writing them. " Everyone smiled as I went on, "Today I’d like you to write An Excuse Note from Adam to God’ or ’ An Excuse Note from Eve to God’. " Heads went down. Pens raced across paper. For the first time ever I saw students so immersed (专心的) in their writing, they had to be asked to go to lunch by their friends.
The next day everyone had excuse notes. Heated discussions followed. But suddenly I saw the headmaster at the door. He entered the classroom and walked up and down, looking at papers, and then said, "I’d like you to see me in my office. " My heart sank.
When I stepped into his office, he came to shake my hand and said, "I just want to tell you that that lesson, that task, whatever the hell you were doing, was great. Those kids were writing on the college level. Thank you. \
【单选题】(51)处应填()。 A.learning languages B.designing games C.meeting students D.making plans
Would you believe that the first outstanding deaf teacher in America was Laurent Clerc, a Frenchman At 12, he (36) the Royal Institution for the Deaf in Paris where he became a top student. After (37) , the school asked him to stay on as a (38) .
Meanwhile, an American named Thomas Gallaudet was studying to be a minister. (牧师) (39) he met a young girl who was deaf. He was disappointed to learn that there were no (40) for the deaf in America. (41) , in 1815 Gallaudet sailed to London to (42) information on deaf education. However, he was (43) to get help and became frustrated (灰心的). Fortunately he met a French educator who (44) him to go to Paris to spend three months (45) at the school where Clerc was working. The school asked Clerc to teach (46) sign language. As a result, the two men (47) each other.
When the time came for Gallaudet to (48) America, he asked Clerc to come with him. The two men (49) in June 1816. The voyage (50) the Atlantic (大西洋) took days. They put the time to productive use, (51) for the new school for the deaf (52) they wanted to ’open. Such a school was (53) the following year in Connecticut.
At the school, Clerc led a busy life. Although he wanted to return to France, he (54) did. He died on July 18, 1869, still in America. France’s (55) was America’s gain!
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