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Practically speaking, the artistic maturing of the cinema was the single-handed achievement of David W. Griffith (1875-1948). (46)Before Griffith, photography in dramatic films consisted of little more than placing the actors before a stationary camera and showing them in full length as they would have appeared on stage. From the beginning of his career as a director, however, Griffith, because of his love of Victorian painting, employed composition. He conceived of the camera image as having a foreground and a rear ground, as well as the middle distance preferred by most directors. By 1910 he was using close-ups to reveal significant details of the scene or of the acting and extreme long shots to achieve a sense of spectacle and distance. His appreciation of the camera’ s possibilities produced novel dramatic effects. (47) By splitting an into fragments and recording each from the most suitable camera position, he could significantly vary the emphasis from camera shot to camera shot.
Griffith also achieved dramatic effects by means of creative editing. By juxtaposing images and varying the speed and rhythm of their presentation, he could control tile dramatic intensity of the s as the story progressed. (48) Despite the reluctance of his producers, who feared that the public would not be able to follow a plot that was made up of such juxtaposed images, Griffith persisted, and experimented as well with other elements of cinematic syntax that have become standard ever since. These included the flashback, permitting broad psychological and emotional exploration as well as narrative that was not chronological, and the crosscut between two parallel actions to heighten suspense and excitement. In thus exploiting fully the possibilities of editing, Griffith transposed devices of the Victorian novel to film and gave film y of time as well as space.
Besides developing the cinema’s language, Griffith immensely broadened its range and treatment of subjects. (49) His early output was remarkably eclectic: it included not only the standard comedies, melodramas, westerns, and thrillers, but also such novelties as adaptations from Browning and Tennyson, and treatments of social issues. As his successes mounted, his ambitions grew, and with them the whole of American cinema. When he remade Enoch Arden in 1911, he insisted that a subject of such importance could not be treated in the then conventional length of one reel. Griffith’ s introduction of the American-made multi-reel picture began an immense revolution. Two years later, Judith of Bethulia, an elaborate historic philosophical spectacle, reached the unprecedented length of four reels, or one hour’ s running time. (50) From our contemporary viewpoint, the pretensions of this film may seem a little ridiculous, but at the time it provoked endless debate and discussion and gave a newintellectual respectability to the cinema.

Despite the reluctance of his producers, who feared that the public would not be able to follow a plot that was made up of such juxtaposed images, Griffith persisted, and experimented as well with other elements of cinematic syntax that have become standard ever since

Practically speaking, the artistic maturing of the cinema was the single-handed achievement of David W. Griffith (1875-1948). (46)Before Griffith, photography in dramatic films consisted of little more than placing the actors before a stationary camera and showing them in full length as they would have appeared on stage. From the beginning of his career as a director, however, Griffith, because of his love of Victorian painting, employed composition. He conceived of the camera image as having a foreground and a rear ground, as well as the middle distance preferred by most directors. By 1910 he was using close-ups to reveal significant details of the scene or of the acting and extreme long shots to achieve a sense of spectacle and distance. His appreciation of the camera’ s possibilities produced novel dramatic effects. (47) By splitting an into fragments and recording each from the most suitable camera position, he could significantly vary the emphasis from camera shot to camera shot.
Griffith also achieved dramatic effects by means of creative editing. By juxtaposing images and varying the speed and rhythm of their presentation, he could control tile dramatic intensity of the s as the story progressed. (48) Despite the reluctance of his producers, who feared that the public would not be able to follow a plot that was made up of such juxtaposed images, Griffith persisted, and experimented as well with other elements of cinematic syntax that have become standard ever since. These included the flashback, permitting broad psychological and emotional exploration as well as narrative that was not chronological, and the crosscut between two parallel actions to heighten suspense and excitement. In thus exploiting fully the possibilities of editing, Griffith transposed devices of the Victorian novel to film and gave film y of time as well as space.
Besides developing the cinema’s language, Griffith immensely broadened its range and treatment of subjects. (49) His early output was remarkably eclectic: it included not only the standard comedies, melodramas, westerns, and thrillers, but also such novelties as adaptations from Browning and Tennyson, and treatments of social issues. As his successes mounted, his ambitions grew, and with them the whole of American cinema. When he remade Enoch Arden in 1911, he insisted that a subject of such importance could not be treated in the then conventional length of one reel. Griffith’ s introduction of the American-made multi-reel picture began an immense revolution. Two years later, Judith of Bethulia, an elaborate historic philosophical spectacle, reached the unprecedented length of four reels, or one hour’ s running time. (50) From our contemporary viewpoint, the pretensions of this film may seem a little ridiculous, but at the time it provoked endless debate and discussion and gave a newintellectual respectability to the cinema.

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【单选题】Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.2() A.proved B.believed C.hypothesized D.established

Egyptian wine has an extensive history within the history of Egyptian civilization. Grapes were not (1) to the landscape of Egypt, rather the vines themselves are (2) to have been imported from the Phoenicians, (3) the actual origins remain in (4) . What is known, is that (5) the third millennium BC, Egyptian kings of the first (6) had extensive wine cellars, and wine was used extensively in the temple ceremonies. The main (7) of wine in Egypt. took place between the king, nobles, and the priests in temple ceremonies, and is (8) by numerous painted relief’ s, and other (9) evidence. The vineyards of ancient Egypt, were quite different from the modern methods of wine making today. (10) viticulture (or wine making) ,ceased to (11) an exclusively ceremonial purpose, the Egyptians began to experiment with simple structures for their vines to train on, (12) found a way to train their vines so they were easy low (13) bushes, and found ways for the soil to (14) more moisture for the vines. Egyptian wine making experiments included the use of different wine presses, adding heat to the must (the grape juice ready for fermentation) (15) make the wine sweet, and differences in vat types and materials. The (16) finished product of wine, was poured through a cloth filter, and then into earthenware jars, (17) they would be sealed with natural tar and left to (18) . The Egyptians kept accurate records of their vintages, and (19) of their wines, each jar of wine was clearly (20) with it’s own vintage, and quality.

【单选题】Imagine a chart that begins when man first appeared on the planet and tracks the economic growth of societies from then forward. It would be a long, flat line until the late 16th or early 17th century...

were looking for better ways of seeking knowledge
were not satisfied with their past achievements
were trying to fit into the natural environment
were tired of working
【单选题】Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.2() A.proved B.believed C.hypothesized D.established
Egyptian wine has an extensive history within the history of Egyptian civilization. Grapes were not (1) to the landscape of Egypt, rather the vines themselves are (2) to have been imported from the Phoenicians, (3) the actual origins remain in (4) . What is known, is that (5) the third millennium BC, Egyptian kings of the first (6) had extensive wine cellars, and wine was used extensively in the temple ceremonies. The main (7) of wine in Egypt. took place between the king, nobles, and the priests in temple ceremonies, and is (8) by numerous painted relief’ s, and other (9) evidence. The vineyards of ancient Egypt, were quite different from the modern methods of wine making today. (10) viticulture (or wine making) ,ceased to (11) an exclusively ceremonial purpose, the Egyptians began to experiment with simple structures for their vines to train on, (12) found a way to train their vines so they were easy low (13) bushes, and found ways for the soil to (14) more moisture for the vines. Egyptian wine making experiments included the use of different wine presses, adding heat to the must (the grape juice ready for fermentation) (15) make the wine sweet, and differences in vat types and materials. The (16) finished product of wine, was poured through a cloth filter, and then into earthenware jars, (17) they would be sealed with natural tar and left to (18) . The Egyptians kept accurate records of their vintages, and (19) of their wines, each jar of wine was clearly (20) with it’s own vintage, and quality.
【单选题】Imagine a chart that begins when man first appeared on the planet and tracks the economic growth of societies from then forward. It would be a long, flat line until the late 16th or early 17th century...
were looking for better ways of seeking knowledge
were not satisfied with their past achievements
were trying to fit into the natural environment
were tired of working
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