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A. have, used
B. have been used
C. has been used
D. will be used

In the people’s Republic of China the odd prequake behavior of horses and other animals (1) successfully to warn people that earthquakes (2) . Recently, a group of American geologists and geographers visited China and listened with great interest (3) the scientists there (4) explained how they have been able to predict many earthquakes in the past three years. The American scientists compared the (5) of the unique Chinese program (6) the impact of Chinese acupuncture (7) Western medicine.
The Chinese scientists use (8) but they also monitor strange (9) such as various ground noises, the fluctuation of well-water levels, and the strange behavior of animals. The results are quite interesting, Chinese seismologists, for example, (10) predicted two magnitude 6.9 quakes near the China-Burma (11) on May 9,1976. The seismologists say that their predictions have been (12) precise that they were able to evacuate many of their people (13) an earthquake occurred, (14) saving thousands of lives. (15) , the Chinese experts also admit that there have been some false alarms.
American scientists have (16) stories of unusual prequake animal behavior before, but they (17) them too seriously until their recent visit to China. "Maybe there’s (18) in it", said Jack Everndon, a California scientist. We need some kind of short-term warning. We need something.
He didn’t mention the kind of research he may be considering, "Some of us are thinking it’s (19) enough to give it a serious look," he commented. "Two years ago we (20) that.
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【单选题】14() A. at the cost B. at peace C. at odds D. at a loss

German Chancellor Angela Merkel won over German voters in the Federal Election on Sept. 27. Can she now be won over by a French charm offensive (1) at repairing the relationship that was once at the heart of Europe That’s the question being asked in Paris, (2) top government officials are (3) talking about their desire to rekindle closer ties (4) their neighbors across the Rhine. (5) the end of World War II the Franco-German relationship has been the motor of European integration, the (6) force behind the creation of the European Union and, more recently, the introduction of the euro. But the ardor has (7) in this decade, particularly under Merkel, who has regularly struggled to (8) her irritation with French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s grandstanding. Sarkozy, (9) , has often been impatient with what he (10) Merkel’s lack of resolve.
The sometimes (11) personal rapport is a long way from the public shows of affection their predecessors staged, particularly Helmut Kohl and FranCois Mitterrand, who movingly held (12) in 1984 in a Verdun cemetery. There’s been tension on (13) , too. Charles Grant, director of the London-based think tank Centre for European Reform, points out that France and Germany have been (14) on issues from how best to reflate their economies during the economic (15) to the smartest strategies for dealing with Russia.
But influential movers in France are now (16) to put the relationship back on a friendlier footing. In a recent paper French think tank Institute Montaigne (17) an ambitious agenda for the two nations, (18) that a new impetus is needed if Europe’s voice is to be heard in a world (19) of big new players, such as Brazil and India, and at a time when President Obama seems fax more (20) with China and the rest of Asia than with America’s traditional allies in Europe.

【单选题】5() A. necessary B. vital C. essential D. basic

How many different kinds of emotions do you feel You may be (1) to find that it is very hard to specify all of them. Not only (2) hard to describe in words, they are difficult to (3) . As a result, two people rarely (4) all of them. However, there are a number of (5) emotions that most people experience.
When we receive something that we want, or something happens (6) we like, we usually feel joy or happiness. Joy is a positive and powerful emotion, (7) for which we all strive. It is natural to want to be happy, and all of us (8) happiness. As a general (9) , joy occurs when we reach a (10) goal or obtain a desired object.
(11) people often desire different goals and objects, it is (12) that one person may find joy in repairing an automobile, (13) another may find joy in solving a math problem. Of course, we often share (14) goals or interests, and therefore we can experience joy together. This may be in sports, in the arts, in learning, in raising a family, or in (15) being together.
When we have difficulty (16) desired objects or reaching desired goals we experience (17) emotions such as anger and grief. When little things get in our way, we experience (18) frustrations or tensions. For example, if you are dressing to go out (19) a date, you may feel frustration when a zipper breaks or a button falls off. The more difficulty you have in reaching a goal, the more frustrated you may feel and the more angry you may become. If you really want something to happen, and you feel it (20) happen, but someone or something stops it, you may become quite angry.
【单选题】14() A. at the cost B. at peace C. at odds D. at a loss
German Chancellor Angela Merkel won over German voters in the Federal Election on Sept. 27. Can she now be won over by a French charm offensive (1) at repairing the relationship that was once at the heart of Europe That’s the question being asked in Paris, (2) top government officials are (3) talking about their desire to rekindle closer ties (4) their neighbors across the Rhine. (5) the end of World War II the Franco-German relationship has been the motor of European integration, the (6) force behind the creation of the European Union and, more recently, the introduction of the euro. But the ardor has (7) in this decade, particularly under Merkel, who has regularly struggled to (8) her irritation with French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s grandstanding. Sarkozy, (9) , has often been impatient with what he (10) Merkel’s lack of resolve.
The sometimes (11) personal rapport is a long way from the public shows of affection their predecessors staged, particularly Helmut Kohl and FranCois Mitterrand, who movingly held (12) in 1984 in a Verdun cemetery. There’s been tension on (13) , too. Charles Grant, director of the London-based think tank Centre for European Reform, points out that France and Germany have been (14) on issues from how best to reflate their economies during the economic (15) to the smartest strategies for dealing with Russia.
But influential movers in France are now (16) to put the relationship back on a friendlier footing. In a recent paper French think tank Institute Montaigne (17) an ambitious agenda for the two nations, (18) that a new impetus is needed if Europe’s voice is to be heard in a world (19) of big new players, such as Brazil and India, and at a time when President Obama seems fax more (20) with China and the rest of Asia than with America’s traditional allies in Europe.
【单选题】5() A. necessary B. vital C. essential D. basic
How many different kinds of emotions do you feel You may be (1) to find that it is very hard to specify all of them. Not only (2) hard to describe in words, they are difficult to (3) . As a result, two people rarely (4) all of them. However, there are a number of (5) emotions that most people experience.
When we receive something that we want, or something happens (6) we like, we usually feel joy or happiness. Joy is a positive and powerful emotion, (7) for which we all strive. It is natural to want to be happy, and all of us (8) happiness. As a general (9) , joy occurs when we reach a (10) goal or obtain a desired object.
(11) people often desire different goals and objects, it is (12) that one person may find joy in repairing an automobile, (13) another may find joy in solving a math problem. Of course, we often share (14) goals or interests, and therefore we can experience joy together. This may be in sports, in the arts, in learning, in raising a family, or in (15) being together.
When we have difficulty (16) desired objects or reaching desired goals we experience (17) emotions such as anger and grief. When little things get in our way, we experience (18) frustrations or tensions. For example, if you are dressing to go out (19) a date, you may feel frustration when a zipper breaks or a button falls off. The more difficulty you have in reaching a goal, the more frustrated you may feel and the more angry you may become. If you really want something to happen, and you feel it (20) happen, but someone or something stops it, you may become quite angry.
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