Project 2 (unit 2) prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" / Work in groups and give a presentation about culture shock on the following five aspects from different perspectives: SPRING FESTIVAL VS CHRISTMAS, WEDDING CEREMONY, TABLE MANNERS and GIFT-GIVING. E valuation Criteria 1. Individual Presenter (3 5 %) --Speaks for at least three minute s . (4 points) --Presents information fluently, clearly and loudly . ( 12 points) --Understands audience’s questions and responds quickly . ( 8 points) --Uses eye contact and gestures to communicate with audience . ( 6 points) -- Do not read PPT or your draft word by word. (5 point) 2. Team Participation (2 0 %) -- All team members are introduced and PPT slides are prepared with major points listed but not all the words of your draft. ( 10 point) --All group members must listen attentively and respectfully while other groups are presenting (5 points) --Each group must ask one question during all the presentations ( 5 points) 3. Content , structure and language (45%) -- Your original ideas, but not a copy list of differences, should be well organized and stated. ( 5 points) -- Your presentation must include and elaborate on at least three differences. ( 15 point) -- You should adopt the way of compar ison and contrast to develop your ideas. (1 5 point) -- You must use at least four active words , two useful expressions and one sentence pattern from the textbook , one new word from an outside source. (1 0 point) Active vocabulary and expressions startle challenge response relative previous switch fall apart refer to after all impressive complex reflect distinguish get across Sentence pattern ( just ) as ... , so ... whoever /whatever/however/wherever/whenever/whichever 注: 1. Group Project 要求每位组员在作业的最后用中文 清楚详细 地写明自己完成的职责和贡献,否则不给分; 2. 要求口头 presentation 在课堂上宣讲前的一天,把 PPT 上传课程中心 ; 3. 每组由组长负责,安排好各组员分工;课堂展示时,每组推荐一名组员上台展示。 4. 此次作业除了课堂展示现场打分之外,展示前一天需要提前将所做的ppt(各组员名单及分工清楚的写在ppt上)上传此课程中心,组长上传一份就可以,其他组员回复作业,只需告诉我你是哪一个组的即可,最后成绩统一发放。 5. 原则上,根据小组整体表现,小组内的成员得分基本一致,因此请组长合理安排组员工作,使组员工作量大小相当;除非有更多贡献的,可个别跟我说明情况,酌情修改分数。