能够表达出抽象的概念 B.使一些同义概念和近义概念能区别开来C.使同类事物的区别更加明显 D.使手语增加了许多虚词expressing abstract concepts B. differing some concepts with the same meanings and similar meanings C. the difference between the same type of things more obvious D. adding many function words to sign language
使一些同义概念和近义概念能区别开来C.使同类事物的区别更加明显 D.使手语增加了许多虚词differing some concepts with the same meanings and similar meanings C. the difference between the same type of things more obvious D. adding many function words to sign language
使同类事物的区别更加明显 D.使手语增加了许多虚词 the difference between the same type of things more obvious D. adding many function words to sign language
使手语增加了许多虚词adding many function words to sign language