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Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Carbon dioxide is a "greenhouse" gas, which means that it helps to trap heat in the atmosphere, (46)More carbon dioxide on the face of it means a hotter earth and that might lead to heaving seas, scorching summers, dying forests, and a watery end to the world’ s coastal cities. But carbon dioxide is also an inevitable by-product of burning the fuels—coal, off and natural gas--that make an industrial way of life possible. The results of cutting its production could therefore be profound. People in rich countries might have to change their comfortable existence in order to consume less energy. (47)Those in countries trying to become rich might see their own aspirations to such comforts confounded. or at least delayed. It is therefore important to ask exactly how real the threat of global warming is, just what sort of climate change it implies, how imminently that change can be expected, and what the cheapest way to deal with any adverse consequences it brings would actually be.
(48) That the greenhouse effect exists is not a matter of dispute. Joseph Fourier. a French physicist, theorized as far back as 1827 that the earth’ s atmosphere acts rather like the glass of a plant-breeder’ s hothouse: in other words, the air lets in the sun’ s heat while slowing its release back into space. (49)Without this effect, the earth would be some 30’C colder than it is, and life would scarcely exist.
The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been rising for more than a century, as the use of fossil fuels has become widespread. And human activity also puts other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Though released in smaller quantities, some of these are more potent in their warmth-inducing effects than carbon dioxide. All told, manmade emissions account for slightly less than 4% of all greenhouse gases.
That may not sound a lot, but this 4% is reckoned to have enhanced the earth’ s average temperature by between 0.3℃ and 0.6℃ over the past years. And in matters climatic, small changes can sometimes have large consequences. (50)The glaciers that rumbled over Europe and North America during the last ice age, for example, were triggered by a fall of 2℃ in the average summer temperature around 115,000 years ago.

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【单选题】The day of terror at the Virginia Polytechnic and State University in Blacksburg began at about 7:15 a. m. , with the shooting of a woman and a male resident adviser on the fourth floor of a dorm buil...

7:15 a. m. is the time a woman and a mate resident adviser were killed on the fourth floor of a dorm building on campus.
The cause of shooting is the assailant was fighting with his girlfriend or something of that nature.
Open dorm’s doors needs swipe a card before 10 a. m.
The gunman was a resident of the dorm himself.

【单选题】18() A.organize B.regulate C.verify D.control

These are tough times for Wal-Mart, America’s biggest retailer. Long accused of (1) small-town America mad condemned for the selfishness of its pay, the company has lately come under (2) for its meanness over employees’ health-care benefits. The charge is arguably (3) : the firm’s health coverage, while (4) less extensive than the average for big companies, is on equal terms (5) other retailers’. But bad publicity, coupled with rising costs, has (6) the Bentonville giant to action. WalMart is making changes that should shift the ground in America’s healthcare debate.
One (7) is to reduce the prices of many generic, or out-of-patent, prescription drugs. Wal-Mart’s critics dismiss the move as a publicity (8) . The list of drugs includes only 143 different medicines and excludes many popular group. True, but short-sighted. Wal-Mart has (9) retailing by using its size to squeeze suppliers and (10) the gains on to consumers. It could (11) the same with drugs. A "Wal-Mart effect" in drugs will not solve America’s health-costs problem: group account for only a small share of drug costs, which in turn make (12) only 10% of overall health spending. But it would (13) .
The firm’s other initiative is more (14) . Wal-Mart is joining the small but fast-growing group of employers (15) are controlling costs by shifting to health insurance with high deductibles.
Early evidence (16) these plans do help firms control the cost of health insurance. But critics say that the savings are (17) . They argue that the plans shift costs to sicker workers, discourage preventative care and will anyway do little to (18) overall health spending, (19) most of the $2 trillion that America (20) health care each year goes to people with multiple chronic diseases.

【单选题】取收缩变形量的经验系数ψs=0.8,则该地基土的收缩变形量为()。 A.3280mm B.3400mm C.120mm D.3520mm

【单选题】The day of terror at the Virginia Polytechnic and State University in Blacksburg began at about 7:15 a. m. , with the shooting of a woman and a male resident adviser on the fourth floor of a dorm buil...
7:15 a. m. is the time a woman and a mate resident adviser were killed on the fourth floor of a dorm building on campus.
The cause of shooting is the assailant was fighting with his girlfriend or something of that nature.
Open dorm’s doors needs swipe a card before 10 a. m.
The gunman was a resident of the dorm himself.
【单选题】18() A.organize B.regulate C.verify D.control
These are tough times for Wal-Mart, America’s biggest retailer. Long accused of (1) small-town America mad condemned for the selfishness of its pay, the company has lately come under (2) for its meanness over employees’ health-care benefits. The charge is arguably (3) : the firm’s health coverage, while (4) less extensive than the average for big companies, is on equal terms (5) other retailers’. But bad publicity, coupled with rising costs, has (6) the Bentonville giant to action. WalMart is making changes that should shift the ground in America’s healthcare debate.
One (7) is to reduce the prices of many generic, or out-of-patent, prescription drugs. Wal-Mart’s critics dismiss the move as a publicity (8) . The list of drugs includes only 143 different medicines and excludes many popular group. True, but short-sighted. Wal-Mart has (9) retailing by using its size to squeeze suppliers and (10) the gains on to consumers. It could (11) the same with drugs. A "Wal-Mart effect" in drugs will not solve America’s health-costs problem: group account for only a small share of drug costs, which in turn make (12) only 10% of overall health spending. But it would (13) .
The firm’s other initiative is more (14) . Wal-Mart is joining the small but fast-growing group of employers (15) are controlling costs by shifting to health insurance with high deductibles.
Early evidence (16) these plans do help firms control the cost of health insurance. But critics say that the savings are (17) . They argue that the plans shift costs to sicker workers, discourage preventative care and will anyway do little to (18) overall health spending, (19) most of the $2 trillion that America (20) health care each year goes to people with multiple chronic diseases.
【单选题】取收缩变形量的经验系数ψs=0.8,则该地基土的收缩变形量为()。 A.3280mm B.3400mm C.120mm D.3520mm
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