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During her childhood, Rachel showed an interest in nature and in writing. After high school, she entered Pennsylvania State College for women, aiming at becoming a writer. She switched to biology, however, thus setting the course of her life. Rachel went to Johns Hopkins University for further study and became a member of the zoology(动物学)staff at the University of Maryland. For fif years, Rachel worked for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, writing and editing publications. Fortunately, her employer encouraged her to reach a larger audience. Rachel’s poetic style of writing in three books about the ocean caught the imagination of the general reader. Her rare talent as both a physical scientist and a gifted writer earned her the National Book Award for the Sea Around Us. Rachel’s next book marked her as a leading fighter for the preservation of the natural environment. She began writing Silent Spring, knowing that she would be personally attacked and ridiculed. She continued writing despite the ill health that slowed her progress. Upon completing the book, she wrote to a close friend, "I have felt obliged to do what I could if I didn’t at least try I could never again be happy in nature. But now I believe I have at least helped a little. " Rachel Carson did more than help a little. Although both government and industry opposed her, specialists in public health, the press, and the public itself all supported her fight against the irresponsible use of insecticides(杀虫剂). Her book ually led the government to ban DDT.When scientists consider the possible effects of global warming, there is a lot they don’t know. But they can say one thing for sure: sea levels will rise. This rising water will be felt along the artificially maintained beaches of New Jersey, in the vanishing marshes of Louisiana, even on the ocean cliffs of California. According to a 2000 report by the Heinz Center for Science, Economics and the Environment, at least a quarter of the houses within 500 feet of the United States coast may be lost to rising seas by 2060. There were 350, 000 of these houses when the report was written, but today there are far more. Though most of the country’s ocean beaches are eroding, few coastal jurisdictions(管辖权)consider sea level rise in their coastal planning, and still fewer incorporate the fact that the rise is accelerating. Instead, they are sticking with policies that geologists say may help them in the short term but will be untenable(站不住脚的)or even destructive in the future. Florida is a good example. To prepare for hurricane season, which began on June 1 and has already brought Tropical Storm Alberto, Floridians were still repairing storm damage from 2005 and even 2004, building or repairing walls to shield beachfront buildings. Until May 1, when turtle nesting season forced them to stop, they were also pumping hundreds of thousands of cubic yards of sand onto eroded beaches. Florida has relied on this approach for decades, but after the past few storm seasons, there has been an increase in applications for sea wall permits, many from Mr. Tomasello’s s. "If you have a house or a condo(集合公寓)that’s threatened, it’s really the only alternative, " he said. Maintaining eroding beaches with artificial infusions of sand is difficult and costly, and as sea levels rise, it may become economically impractical or even impossible. "The combination of sea walls and rising sea level will accelerate the rate of land loss in front of those sea walls", said Peter Howd, an oceanographer who conducts shoreline research for the United States Geological Survey in St. Petersburg. "So people with a sea wall and a beach in front of it will end up with just a sea wall. "A.只有当拥有盈余时,农民才能持续地供养自己和家人。B.在双方签约后,各方应严格遵守本协议。C.必须承认,这些报道反映了很多不满情绪。D.尽管电子计算机有许多优点,可是它不能进行创造性工作,也不能代替人类。During her childhood, Rachel showed an interest in nature and in writing. After high school, she entered Pennsylvania State College for women, aiming at becoming a writer. She switched to biology, however, thus setting the course of her life. Rachel went to Johns Hopkins University for further study and became a member of the zoology(动物学)staff at the University of Maryland. For fif years, Rachel worked for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, writing and editing publications. Fortunately, her employer encouraged her to reach a larger audience. Rachel’s poetic style of writing in three books about the ocean caught the imagination of the general reader. Her rare talent as both a physical scientist and a gifted writer earned her the National Book Award for the Sea Around Us. Rachel’s next book marked her as a leading fighter for the preservation of the natural environment. She began writing Silent Spring, knowing that she would be personally attacked and ridiculed. She continued writing despite the ill health that slowed her progress. Upon completing the book, she wrote to a close friend, "I have felt obliged to do what I could if I didn’t at least try I could never again be happy in nature. But now I believe I have at least helped a little. " Rachel Carson did more than help a little. Although both government and industry opposed her, specialists in public health, the press, and the public itself all supported her fight against the irresponsible use of insecticides(杀虫剂). Her book ually led the government to ban DDT.When scientists consider the possible effects of global warming, there is a lot they don’t know. But they can say one thing for sure: sea levels will rise. This rising water will be felt along the artificially maintained beaches of New Jersey, in the vanishing marshes of Louisiana, even on the ocean cliffs of California. According to a 2000 report by the Heinz Center for Science, Economics and the Environment, at least a quarter of the houses within 500 feet of the United States coast may be lost to rising seas by 2060. There were 350, 000 of these houses when the report was written, but today there are far more. Though most of the country’s ocean beaches are eroding, few coastal jurisdictions(管辖权)consider sea level rise in their coastal planning, and still fewer incorporate the fact that the rise is accelerating. Instead, they are sticking with policies that geologists say may help them in the short term but will be untenable(站不住脚的)or even destructive in the future. Florida is a good example. To prepare for hurricane season, which began on June 1 and has already brought Tropical Storm Alberto, Floridians were still repairing storm damage from 2005 and even 2004, building or repairing walls to shield beachfront buildings. Until May 1, when turtle nesting season forced them to stop, they were also pumping hundreds of thousands of cubic yards of sand onto eroded beaches. Florida has relied on this approach for decades, but after the past few storm seasons, there has been an increase in applications for sea wall permits, many from Mr. Tomasello’s s. "If you have a house or a condo(集合公寓)that’s threatened, it’s really the only alternative, " he said. Maintaining eroding beaches with artificial infusions of sand is difficult and costly, and as sea levels rise, it may become economically impractical or even impossible. "The combination of sea walls and rising sea level will accelerate the rate of land loss in front of those sea walls", said Peter Howd, an oceanographer who conducts shoreline research for the United States Geological Survey in St. Petersburg. "So people with a sea wall and a beach in front of it will end up with just a sea wall. "During her childhood, Rachel showed an interest in nature and in writing. After high school, she entered Pennsylvania State College for women, aiming at becoming a writer. She switched to biology, however, thus setting the course of her life. Rachel went to Johns Hopkins University for further study and became a member of the zoology(动物学)staff at the University of Maryland. For fif years, Rachel worked for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, writing and editing publications. Fortunately, her employer encouraged her to reach a larger audience. Rachel’s poetic style of writing in three books about the ocean caught the imagination of the general reader. Her rare talent as both a physical scientist and a gifted writer earned her the National Book Award for the Sea Around Us. Rachel’s next book marked her as a leading fighter for the preservation of the natural environment. She began writing Silent Spring, knowing that she would be personally attacked and ridiculed. She continued writing despite the ill health that slowed her progress. Upon completing the book, she wrote to a close friend, "I have felt obliged to do what I could if I didn’t at least try I could never again be happy in nature. But now I believe I have at least helped a little. " Rachel Carson did more than help a little. Although both government and industry opposed her, specialists in public health, the press, and the public itself all supported her fight against the irresponsible use of insecticides(杀虫剂). Her book ually led the government to ban DDT.During her childhood, Rachel showed an interest in nature and in writing. After high school, she entered Pennsylvania State College for women, aiming at becoming a writer. She switched to biology, however, thus setting the course of her life. Rachel went to Johns Hopkins University for further study and became a member of the zoology(动物学)staff at the University of Maryland. For fif years, Rachel worked for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, writing and editing publications. Fortunately, her employer encouraged her to reach a larger audience. Rachel’s poetic style of writing in three books about the ocean caught the imagination of the general reader. Her rare talent as both a physical scientist and a gifted writer earned her the National Book Award for the Sea Around Us. Rachel’s next book marked her as a leading fighter for the preservation of the natural environment. She began writing Silent Spring, knowing that she would be personally attacked and ridiculed. She continued writing despite the ill health that slowed her progress. Upon completing the book, she wrote to a close friend, "I have felt obliged to do what I could if I didn’t at least try I could never again be happy in nature. But now I believe I have at least helped a little. " Rachel Carson did more than help a little. Although both government and industry opposed her, specialists in public health, the press, and the public itself all supported her fight against the irresponsible use of insecticides(杀虫剂). Her book ually led the government to ban DDT.
As is known to all, trade and specialization go hand in hand and enable each of us to have more products to use.

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【单选题】Many Americans harbor a grossly distorted and exaggerated view of most of the risks surrounding food.Fergus Clydesdale, head of the department of food science and nutrition at the University of Massac...

They overlook the risks of the food they eat.
They overestimate the hazards of their food.
They are overoptimistic about the safety of their food.
They overstate the government's interference with the food industry.

【单选题】下列说法符合原文意思的是哪一项?() A.半导体集成电路计算机,发展到现在已经没有发展前途了。 B.生物计算机与数学电子计算机的基本原理是一致的。 C.生物计算机出了故障可以“自我修复”,因此不会损坏。 D.目前,生物计算机已成了科研热点,许多国家都在进行这方面的研究工作。

生物计算机的研制始于20世纪60~70年代。美国1983年11月召开了专门学术会议,对生物计算机的研制从理论到实践进行了深入探讨。 日本此项研究由“未来电子仪器科研协会”和通产省指导进行。英国也拨款3000万英镑用于生物计算机的研究开发。
【单选题】Many Americans harbor a grossly distorted and exaggerated view of most of the risks surrounding food.Fergus Clydesdale, head of the department of food science and nutrition at the University of Massac...
They overlook the risks of the food they eat.
They overestimate the hazards of their food.
They are overoptimistic about the safety of their food.
They overstate the government's interference with the food industry.
【单选题】下列说法符合原文意思的是哪一项?() A.半导体集成电路计算机,发展到现在已经没有发展前途了。 B.生物计算机与数学电子计算机的基本原理是一致的。 C.生物计算机出了故障可以“自我修复”,因此不会损坏。 D.目前,生物计算机已成了科研热点,许多国家都在进行这方面的研究工作。
生物计算机的研制始于20世纪60~70年代。美国1983年11月召开了专门学术会议,对生物计算机的研制从理论到实践进行了深入探讨。 日本此项研究由“未来电子仪器科研协会”和通产省指导进行。英国也拨款3000万英镑用于生物计算机的研究开发。
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