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The United States counts its population every ten years, and each census reveals that the racial and ethnic mix is changing dramatically, so by the year 2050, the "average" American will not be descended from (1) , but the majority of U. S. residents will trace (2) ancestry to Africa, Asia, the Hispanic world, the Pacific Islands, or the Middle East. Once the United States was a microcosm of European nationalities, (3) the United States is a microcosm of the world. The United States is (4) considered a "melting pot" society by many of its residents. (5) , many people prefer the term "salad bowl." They use this (6) to describe American society. American society will soon be (7) nonwhite. "Melting pot" implies that the different ethnic groups blend together (8) one homogeneous (9) , "salad bowl" (10) that nationalities, like the ingredients in a mixed green salad, retain their cultural (11) . Earlier generations of (12) believed they had to learn English quickly not only to survive but also for (13) .
Now, many immigrant groups do not (14) the same need. Because there are many places in America (15) you can work, shop, get medical care, marry, divorce and die without knowing English. (16) , Chinatown in San Francisco and New York. Also, Los Angeles has many Vietnamese immigrants and immigrants from Mexico. (17) , many immigrant groups want their children to know their (18) culture. Many Hispanics, for instance, want their children to learn (19) English and Spanish and study the Spanish language in school. They are fighting for the (20) to bilingual education in many communities. In many communities they are in the majority.


The United States counts its population every ten years, and each census reveals that the racial and ethnic mix is changing dramatically, so by the year 2050, the "average" American will not be descended from (1) , but the majority of U. S. residents will trace (2) ancestry to Africa, Asia, the Hispanic world, the Pacific Islands, or the Middle East. Once the United States was a microcosm of European nationalities, (3) the United States is a microcosm of the world. The United States is (4) considered a "melting pot" society by many of its residents. (5) , many people prefer the term "salad bowl." They use this (6) to describe American society. American society will soon be (7) nonwhite. "Melting pot" implies that the different ethnic groups blend together (8) one homogeneous (9) , "salad bowl" (10) that nationalities, like the ingredients in a mixed green salad, retain their cultural (11) . Earlier generations of (12) believed they had to learn English quickly not only to survive but also for (13) .
Now, many immigrant groups do not (14) the same need. Because there are many places in America (15) you can work, shop, get medical care, marry, divorce and die without knowing English. (16) , Chinatown in San Francisco and New York. Also, Los Angeles has many Vietnamese immigrants and immigrants from Mexico. (17) , many immigrant groups want their children to know their (18) culture. Many Hispanics, for instance, want their children to learn (19) English and Spanish and study the Spanish language in school. They are fighting for the (20) to bilingual education in many communities. In many communities they are in the majority.

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【单选题】"The turtle -- along with a few other Cuora species -- was once imported into China by the pet trade." in Paragraph 1 means () A.the turtle is a wonderful animal in Chinese history B.it is a logical r...

Ever since it was claimed that a medicine made from the Chinese three-striped box turtle could cure cancer, demand for the product has increased, making the turtle the most expensive to be found in China’s food markets. Huge sums of money have been made selling the medicine. The turtle -- along with a few other Cuora species -- was once imported into China by the pet trade.
Exporters obtained the specimens in the food markets rather than going out to collect them in the wild. Treatment of the turtles prior to reaching the markets resulted in many of them being diseased. Packed tightly into crates, often for journeys of several weeks without food, it is little wonder that many specimens exported to western countries fared poorly when purchased as pets.
Throughout the Far East turtles and tortoises have featured in various cultures and certain religions. They have also been used for hundreds of years for food and medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is probably the greatest threat to the three-striped box and to the thousands of other turtles that are imported yearly into China. Turtles are well known for their longevity, which it is thought will be passed on to those eating them. Turtle blood, bones and shells -- particularly the plastron (ventral part of the shell) -- are thought to have medicinal properties and be able to cure a number of ailments. Turtle eggs are also used for food and medicine. The medicinal value of the turtles is open to question, and it is possible that herbs could produce the same effects. Any beneficial substances from the turtles could also be synthesized chemically, so as to prevent the killing of turtles.
The southern part of China has become more prosperous in recent years, and the demand for turtles has increased dramatically. Turtle dishes are served in restaurants and regarded as an expensive delicacy, even a status symbol.
As turtle supplies in China dwindled, traders started importing the animals from Vietnam. As a result, many Vietnamese turtles have now disappeared from their haunts in the wild. To satisfy growing demand, importers have now turned to sources farther afield, including Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, India, Bhutan and Indonesia.
Since biologists started studying turtles in Chinese food markets, several previously unknown and extremely rare species have been found; some are on Appendix I of CITES. At the present rate of collection such specimens, and even species not yet discovered, could soon be extinct. The three-striped box turtle is simply one among dozens of other species flooding into China, but its high value makes it a special target for collectors.

【单选题】The word "impalpable" (in Paragraph 1 ) means () A.imperceptible B.unlearnable C.untouchable D.discernable

It is simple enough to say that since books have classes -- fiction, biography, poetry -- we should separate them and take from each what it is right and what should give us. Yet few people ask from books what can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconception when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be his fellow-worker and accomplice. If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness, from the twist and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite. The 32 chapters of a novel -- if we consider how to read a novel first -- are an attempt to make something as formed and controlled as a building: but words are more impalpable than bricks; reading is a longer and more complicated process than seeing. Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dangers and difficulties of words. Recall, then, some event that has left a distinct impression on you -- how at the comer of the street, perhaps, you passed two people talking. A tree shock; an electric light danced; the tone of the talk was comic, but also tragic; a whole vision, an entire conception, seemed contained in that moment.
But when you attempt to reconstruct it in words, you will find that it breaks into a thousand conflicting impressions. Some must be subdued; others emphasized; in the process you will lose, probably, all grasp upon the emotion itself. Then turn from your blurred and littered pages to the opening pages of some great novelist -- Defoe, Jane Austen, Hardy. Now you will be better able to appreciate their mastery. It is not merely that we are in the presence of a different person -- Defoe, Jane Austen, or Thomas Hardy -- but that we are living in a different world. Here, in Robinson Crusoe, we are trudging a plain high road; one thing happens after another; the fact and the order of the fact is enough. But if the open air and adventure mean everything to Defoe, they mean nothing to Jane Austen. Here is the drawing-room, and people talking, and by the many mirrors of their talk revealing their characters. And if, when we have accustomed ourselves to the drawing-room and its reflections, we turn to Hardy, we are once more spun around. The moors are round us and the stars are above our heads. The other side of the mind is now exposed -- the dark side that comes uppermost in solitude, not the light side that shows in company. Our relations are not towards people, but towards Nature and destiny. Yet different as these worlds are, each is consistent with itself. The maker of each is careful to observe the laws of his own perspective, and however great a strain they may put upon, they will never confuse us, as lesser writers so frequently do, by introducing two different kinds of reality into the same book. Thus to go from one great novelist to another -- from Jane Austen to Hardy, from Peacock to Trollope, from Scott to Meredith -- is to be wrenched and uprooted; to be thrown this way and then that. To read a novel is a difficult and complex art. You must be capable not only of great fineness of perception, but of great boldness of imagination if you are going to make use of all that the novelist -- the great artist -- gives you.


【单选题】"The turtle -- along with a few other Cuora species -- was once imported into China by the pet trade." in Paragraph 1 means () A.the turtle is a wonderful animal in Chinese history B.it is a logical r...
Ever since it was claimed that a medicine made from the Chinese three-striped box turtle could cure cancer, demand for the product has increased, making the turtle the most expensive to be found in China’s food markets. Huge sums of money have been made selling the medicine. The turtle -- along with a few other Cuora species -- was once imported into China by the pet trade.
Exporters obtained the specimens in the food markets rather than going out to collect them in the wild. Treatment of the turtles prior to reaching the markets resulted in many of them being diseased. Packed tightly into crates, often for journeys of several weeks without food, it is little wonder that many specimens exported to western countries fared poorly when purchased as pets.
Throughout the Far East turtles and tortoises have featured in various cultures and certain religions. They have also been used for hundreds of years for food and medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is probably the greatest threat to the three-striped box and to the thousands of other turtles that are imported yearly into China. Turtles are well known for their longevity, which it is thought will be passed on to those eating them. Turtle blood, bones and shells -- particularly the plastron (ventral part of the shell) -- are thought to have medicinal properties and be able to cure a number of ailments. Turtle eggs are also used for food and medicine. The medicinal value of the turtles is open to question, and it is possible that herbs could produce the same effects. Any beneficial substances from the turtles could also be synthesized chemically, so as to prevent the killing of turtles.
The southern part of China has become more prosperous in recent years, and the demand for turtles has increased dramatically. Turtle dishes are served in restaurants and regarded as an expensive delicacy, even a status symbol.
As turtle supplies in China dwindled, traders started importing the animals from Vietnam. As a result, many Vietnamese turtles have now disappeared from their haunts in the wild. To satisfy growing demand, importers have now turned to sources farther afield, including Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, India, Bhutan and Indonesia.
Since biologists started studying turtles in Chinese food markets, several previously unknown and extremely rare species have been found; some are on Appendix I of CITES. At the present rate of collection such specimens, and even species not yet discovered, could soon be extinct. The three-striped box turtle is simply one among dozens of other species flooding into China, but its high value makes it a special target for collectors.
【单选题】The word "impalpable" (in Paragraph 1 ) means () A.imperceptible B.unlearnable C.untouchable D.discernable
It is simple enough to say that since books have classes -- fiction, biography, poetry -- we should separate them and take from each what it is right and what should give us. Yet few people ask from books what can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconception when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be his fellow-worker and accomplice. If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness, from the twist and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite. The 32 chapters of a novel -- if we consider how to read a novel first -- are an attempt to make something as formed and controlled as a building: but words are more impalpable than bricks; reading is a longer and more complicated process than seeing. Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dangers and difficulties of words. Recall, then, some event that has left a distinct impression on you -- how at the comer of the street, perhaps, you passed two people talking. A tree shock; an electric light danced; the tone of the talk was comic, but also tragic; a whole vision, an entire conception, seemed contained in that moment.
But when you attempt to reconstruct it in words, you will find that it breaks into a thousand conflicting impressions. Some must be subdued; others emphasized; in the process you will lose, probably, all grasp upon the emotion itself. Then turn from your blurred and littered pages to the opening pages of some great novelist -- Defoe, Jane Austen, Hardy. Now you will be better able to appreciate their mastery. It is not merely that we are in the presence of a different person -- Defoe, Jane Austen, or Thomas Hardy -- but that we are living in a different world. Here, in Robinson Crusoe, we are trudging a plain high road; one thing happens after another; the fact and the order of the fact is enough. But if the open air and adventure mean everything to Defoe, they mean nothing to Jane Austen. Here is the drawing-room, and people talking, and by the many mirrors of their talk revealing their characters. And if, when we have accustomed ourselves to the drawing-room and its reflections, we turn to Hardy, we are once more spun around. The moors are round us and the stars are above our heads. The other side of the mind is now exposed -- the dark side that comes uppermost in solitude, not the light side that shows in company. Our relations are not towards people, but towards Nature and destiny. Yet different as these worlds are, each is consistent with itself. The maker of each is careful to observe the laws of his own perspective, and however great a strain they may put upon, they will never confuse us, as lesser writers so frequently do, by introducing two different kinds of reality into the same book. Thus to go from one great novelist to another -- from Jane Austen to Hardy, from Peacock to Trollope, from Scott to Meredith -- is to be wrenched and uprooted; to be thrown this way and then that. To read a novel is a difficult and complex art. You must be capable not only of great fineness of perception, but of great boldness of imagination if you are going to make use of all that the novelist -- the great artist -- gives you.
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