行进中的波可以看成是很多子波,各自向前方传播,相位相同的子波连接起来构成的包络面,称为波面;The traveling wave can be regarded as a number of wavelets, each propagating to the front, and the wavelets with the same phase are connected to form the envelope surface, which is called the wave surface;
行进中的波可以看成是很多子波,各自向前方传播,相位相同的子波连接起来构成的包络面,称为波线;The traveling wave can be regarded as a number of wavelets, each propagating to the front. The wavelets with the same phase are connected to form the envelope surface, which is called the wave line;
行进中的波可以看成是很多子波,各自向前方传播,相位相同的子波连接起来构成的包络面,称为波前;The traveling wave can be regarded as a number of wavelets, each propagating to the front. The wavelets with the same phase are connected to form the envelope surface, which is called the wave front;
行进中的波可以看成是很多子波,各自向前方传播,相位相同的子波连接起来构成的包络面,称为波源;The traveling wave can be regarded as a number of wavelets, each propagating to the front, and the wavelets with the same phase are connected to form the envelope surface, which is called the wave source;